-Chapter Thirty~Two

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

Cantt really talk rite now...supposed to be leaving to go to my cuzins house...i'll probably fix this tomoro...so enjoy time away frum my little random talkz...BYE!! enjoy chapter!!!

Listen to the song! it kinda goes with the story! except terr inever said she loved jake yet soo...lolz

p.s. story NOT edited!! sorry for grammer problems!



Chapter Thirty-Two

In the car...3:42pm...on the way to Jacob's parents' house...oh joy!

Oh joy!

Okay, random much? Mary asked me in my head.

I was going to finish my statement but Ms. Mary interrupted me.

As I was saying... Oh joy! We're off to see the Wicked Witch of the West.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but what Jake has told me about his mom, she sounds like a bi***. She is really malicious sometimes. Oh gawd. Jake had an abusive mother. No wonder he's so bipolar. His mom must have knocked some goodness out of him. And now that goodness is fighting with the badness in his body.

" She didn't abuse!" Jake shouted for the second time.

We were in his white Lamborghini. Gosh, way to show everybody in the world that your rich.

I leaned back in my seat.

" Then why you say she is malicious? Malicious means deliberately harmful," I stated.

" Wow. Did you actually learn that in school? That was like a high school response!"

I hit his arm. " Hey! Don't change the subject, Jelly Bean! And I do listen in class," I mumbled the last part.

Jake drove on to the highway. I had no idea where we were going. Well, besides Jake's parents house. But I had not idea what city (or even state) we might be go to.

" She's not malicious to people. She can just get mean and nasty a lot of times. You DO NOT want to be on her bad side."

I'm already on her bad side, I thought to myself.

" What happens if I get on her bad side? Will she hit me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Jake looked at me from the corner of his eye. " Why do you keep insisting my mom abuses people?"

I shrugged my shoulders. " No reason..." I changed the subject. " What's your school like?"

" A normal high school?" Jake said unsure. " I don't know. I've never been to another high school before. I don't know the difference."

" Well, you're so much help," I said sarcastically.

" Did you have a lot of friends at your school?" Jake asked me.

" Yeah, plenty." Which wasn't a lie. I had friends I'd known since 1st grade. " But I only talked to certain people."

" Like Hailey and Greg?"

" Yeah, like them."

We stayed quietly, only the sound of faint music from the stereo filled the air.

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