-Chapter Thirty~Eight

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

Soo...i warned you before..this chapter ends with a cliffhanger [dontt say i dintt warn u :)] ndd u quyz shuld conqratulate me! 3 chapters in 4days!! that's a new recordd for me!! wooohoo! lolz. well...leave comments & votes! ndd suqqestions!! i take everythinqq!!! [even requests for Jake's POV]

ta-ta for now!

p.s. listen to the sonq! my friendd showed it to me ndd im in luv wit it! 'Perfect Two' :)


Chapter Thirty-Eight

***Terri's POV***

" You come up here to think?" I asked Jake. Jake didn't seem like the guy to go somewhere and think.

" Yeah, only when I'm really stressed," Jake said, sitting on the edge.

We were at a cliff to be exact. If I fell, I would surely die. No doubt about it. The rocks were sharp and they were everywhere. But, this cliff gave me a beautiful view of New York City itself.

I know, this sounds cheesy. Like from a movie. Boy takes girl to his favorite spot. Girl thinks guy is so sweet. Girl instantly knows she loves him. And the they ran off to go have wild monkey sex in the car. Blah, blah, blah.

" I bet you came up here when you first found out you were getting married," I said. I put my hair in a side ponytail and joined Jake on the side of the cliff.

Jake laughed. " I think I did."

" So why are we up here anyway?" I asked. I know he wanted to ditch school but if he wanted to think, he could have done it after school. I could be beating Kara's butt right now. And yes, I would totally throw the first punch.

" I wanted you to think...you know, rationally about the situation you are in." I could tell he was talking about the Kara situation.

" There's nothing to talk about. All I want to do is beat her a**, and then I'll be perfectly fine."

" Come on, Terri," Jake said. " That's not rational."

" What would be rational?? Saying I want to be best friends with the girl that is trying to kill me??"

" Maybe..." Jake smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. " Maybe you should talk it out with her."

" You are sounding more and more like one of those annoying counselors, rather than a boyfriend," I smiled. " And I can't talk with Kara. I can't stand the sight of Kara. How am I supposed to talk to her??"

" Try to reason with her..." Jake trailed.

" What?? How? You want me to give you up to her??" I snorted. " Sorry, no can do. You are mine for the next 7 months. After that, your all hers."

Jake gasped, in fake hurt. " Your willing to give me up to her?? That's beyond mean."

" I never said I was a nice person," I said smiling.

" No, you didn't...but anyway, I warned you about this," Jake said serious.

" I thought you brought me up here to think, not to give me a lecture," I mumbled.

" Terri, come on. I'm just stating the obvious. I warned you, but you didn't listen. You had it coming..."

" Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I'll listen to you next time. It's just that...Kara seemed like a nice person. But what she did to me earlier...gawd, do I hate her. I think I still have spaghetti in my ear!" I hate Kara. And Monica. The most sluttiest hoes the world has ever seen.

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