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I'm Rave Cardin, I'm not perfect but I'm good.

My parents died when I was 10. I know it's sad, but don't pity me I hate it.

I have a sister named Lisa Cardin. She is the beautiful girl I had ever met. We were living together on the planet earth. But fate separated us.

Now, I'm on the planet red and she is on the planet earth. There is a hole in the middle of the planet's red and earth. Everyone can travel by that.

You may be wondering why I came to the red planet? I came here for my studies. Lisa too attended the entrance with me but she can't make it.

Demons often come to the red planet. They wanted to destroy it. Because if they destroy the red planet the earth will be destroyed too. We can't destroy the demons because they are very strong. The higher committee decided to create talented and finest wizards and to make them strong. They must be well trained to destroy the demons. The wizards are almost trained for 3 years.

There will be 16 groups. A tournament will be held for them. By that,8 groups will be chosen. Finally,4 groups will be chosen for the last round. The winning group will protect a part of the red planet for the next 10 years.

In Earth:

I'm excited and also afraid about the first day of my college. Since I don't have parents Lisa was the only one for me. She always treated me like a small child. She is overprotective towards me. I hadn't loved anyone because of Lisa's overprotectiveness. It was hard for us to live without our parents. But still, we managed to live. My father was a wizard. My father married a mortal.  So our mother didn't have magic powers but our father had so we two had magic powers. But we can't use magic powers on the planet earth. So, we both tried really hard to enter Nightfall college. Fortunately, I got in but she can't. But she is happy for me.

Now, In my room, I'm packing my things. Lisa came into my room and helped me. After finishing we went to Cafe Corner to spend some time. When we were returning home Lisa said, "Rave, I'm afraid."

 "What are you afraid of Lisa," I asked

 "I'm afraid to send you there alone. Will you adapt there?. Will you able to manage all your struggles?." She said

 "Lisa, I'm not a child anymore. I can manage my struggles. Don't worry." I said.

Rave's inner thought:

But I'm also afraid of leaving Lisa, I'm not sure what will happen. But I'm sure that I'll make Lisa proud. If my parents were alive they would have accepted my decision.

Back to reality:

Lisa looks sad, so I decided to give her the bracelet which I bought for her. After I gave it to her. , "Rave, I love you with teary eyes." Lisa said.

"I love you too". I said.

We hugged each other. We reached our home. Tomorrow the hole which travels to the red planet will be opened. So we spent the night together chatting and finally we fell asleep.

But little did I know tomorrow is going to be a turning point in my life.

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