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I saw Aaron was losing control. Aaron, Are you okay? I asked.

Yeah, I'm just tired, Let's go to our cabin, He said. I nodded. Later, We reached our cabin. Aaron straightly entered his room. William and Clever having their cute little couple talks. I don't want to disturb them. Where Noah and April were settled on the couch. I went to my room and got fresh up. 

Then, I went to Aaron's room. He was lying on his bed. 

Rave, You're here, I will take you to the place in the night, He said with a gruff voice. He got up and sat on his bed. He rested his head on the wall. Aaron, You look so exhausted, Let me check you, I said. I touched his forehead. It was hot. 

Woah, Aaron, you're burning hot like a steam engine, I said. He chuckled. I will be alright. I gave a concerned look. 

Wait, I will bring you a fever tablet and hot water, I said. No, I don't want to take medicine, He replied.

Why not? I asked.

 Because, I don't like them, He replied. 

I don't care if you like it or not I will give you the medicine you're gonna take, Okayyy!!!! I said. He nodded. I went to the kitchen and boiled the water. I pour the hot water into the glass. I took medicine and hot water with me. I opened Aaron's room door and got in. He was scrolling something on his phone. I grabbed his phone. 

What? I was just checking the newsfeed on my phone, He said and folded his arm. 

Yeah, Okay You can check it after taking your medicine, I said and handed over the tablet and hot water to him. He took his tablet. 

Okay, Now you take a rest, I said. I adjusted his messed hair. Even in the messy hair, he looks so cute, I thought. He grabbed my hand and made me sit beside him. He put his arm over my shoulder. 

Rave, He called. I turned my head to see his face. 

Thank you for checking up on me, I don't know if I'm that much worth having you, You really deserve more, He said and looked into my eyes.

I smiled. Um, you don't want to take me to the place today, Let's go on some other day, I said. 

No, We will go tonight, I want to tell you something important, He said. Then, You can tell that now, I said.

No, This is not the right place, He said and dragged me closer.

 What's the time now? He asked.

It's 2 pm, I replied. Okay, He said. I sat silently.  He rested his head on my shoulder. He fell asleep. I took my phone from my pocket and started to scroll the newsfeed on my phone.

Ahhh, My eyes are getting tired. I slowly fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, Aaron's hand was on my waist and his head was resting on my shoulder. When I tried to search for my phone, I accidentally woke him up. 

I'm sorry to wake you up, I said and pulled my hair back and placed it behind my ear. 

It's Okay, His voice cracked. Oh god, It's 7 pm, We should be going, He said. 

Where? I asked. 

I told you, I will take you somewhere tonight, Go and get ready, He said.

But... I paused. I'm okay now, This fever came just because I'm tired, He said.

I gave a look. Okay, Get ready, We should go now, He said. 

Okay, I replied and rushed back to my room.

I took a quick shower and wore a plain purple color gown. When I'm done, I went outside. 

Aaron was waiting for me in the hall. He saw me. Oh, You're here, He said. I smiled and nodded. 

Guys, You don't have to wait for me and Rave, We're going out tonight, He said to everyone. 

William pulled me back. So are going on a date with him? Willam asked.

What the heck? No, He said that he wants to tell me something. And you know that he doesn't love me, I said and glanced at William. 

Yeah... William paused. Rave, Shall we? Aaron asked.

Yes, I said and nodded.

Okay, Bye I said to William and I followed Aaron and went out. He took me to the empty place, The place was filled with a lot of trees, It almost looked like a forest. We walked into the forest. It was dark but the light from the moon helped us to walk. I didn't utter any word I just walked along with him. But I'm curious too, So I decided to ask him that where are we now?

Aaron, I called. He gazed at me. Where are we now? I asked.

He suddenly stopped walking. And turned towards me. This place is called Newmoon woodland. And... He paused. I folded my arms and gazed at him.

And this is the place where I had my first date, He said. With Emily? I asked. 

Yes, He replied.  Oh, okay, I said and my eyes wander around the place. 

Rave, He called. I looked at him. Listen, I and Emily were in a relationship for almost 2 years, But when I came here with her, I turned into a half Demon, He said. I was shocked. What? A demon, I asked. 

Yeah, My mom was a Demon. My father was a Wizard. They both loved each other and got married. I have a brother who was totally a demon. And my sister has a witch power.  He took a breath. And.... I was born with both power. I'm half Demon and half Wizard. He explained.

I'm speechless, I said. Yeah, I know, He said.

So, When I came here with Emily I turned into a half-demon and tried to kill her. Fortunately, my dad saved her. But she got hurt. So I decided to broke up with her. We two broke up. Now, She was happy and studying in the college which is on the earth. He paused. 

Do you remember? When you got a wrist mark by a demon I took you to the witch, Do you remember her? He asked. 

Yes, I nodded. It was my mother, He said. 

What??? Wait, But she dressed up as a Witch. You said that your mother was a demon, I asked.

Yeah, My father cured her and turned her into a witch. But sometimes she will show us her dark side. She even tried to kill me, He explained.

Aaron, You're giving so much bomb-shelling news today, I said and gazed at him. He smiled. 

So you can be also cured right? Like your father cured your mother, I asked. 

Yeah, But it will take some years, My mother took 10 years to come out of it, He said. I blinked. Ten years? I asked. He nodded.

So, This was me, This is my dark side, I don't want to hurt anyone. Being a half-demon and half-wizard was painful you know, He said. 

Yeah, It is, I replied and looked into his eyes. I don't know when will I become a demon again when I did, I swear, I will hurt everyone. But I don't want to hurt anyone. Sometimes, I will get some dark thoughts. These dark thoughts will acquire my mind completely, And that's why I'm mad at you sometimes. He expressed.

Oh My God, Aaron, You have been keeping these shits in your mind for a long time. You're struggling alone, with these kinds of stuff, I said. 

I'm used to it, He said.

So do you want to love me after hearing my dark stories? He asked.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. The Next Chapter will be posted soon. Stay tuned. Don't forget to vote. 

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