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I stayed silent for a minute. I know it's hard to choose me, He said. 

I'm confused but my heart said that you can't leave him, Everybody has a dark past, It's okay, I'm not gonna leave him anyway, He needs love and I will shower all of my love to him, I thought. 

No, It's not hard for me though, I will choose you even when you're a full demon. Whatever it happens, I'm not gonna leave you, I will love you, I said. Aaron's eyes turned teary. 

What if I hurt you as I did to Emily? He asked with a sore voice. 

I think..... I'm not that weak to handle you. Trust me I will handle you when you turned into a demon, I said and smiled at him. 

Suddenly Aaron hugged me. He embraced me tightly as he doesn't want to me leave him. 

I was happy, shocked, and sad at the same time. I don't know if this is correct or wrong. But I'm doing this for Aaron. I'll do this for him... Even my dad married a mortal, So what wrong with loving a half-demon? He needs love. I thought.

He broke the hug and looked deep into my eyes. 

I LOVE YOU, RAVE CARDIN, Aaron confessed. I have been craving to hear these words from him for a long time, I thought. He is making my heart flutter. 

I LOVE YOU TOO AARON, I said and grin at him.

We looked at each other. It was a pleasant feeling. He leaned closer to me. There was an inch between us. He placed one hand on my cheek. I'm nervous right now. I gripped my hand and looked into his eyes. His eyes were longing for love for a long time. 

May I? He asked. I nodded. He pulled me into a kiss gently. At first, I was shocked then I kissed him back. I closed my eyes to feel his love. It was a long kiss. It was sweet. I loved it. It was my first kiss. I also know that it's not the first kiss for Aaron but still, I'm not going to care about his past. I'm gonna live with him in this present.

I love you, Aaron. I'll love u no matter what you are, I thought. Then our lips parted. I gazed into his eyes. You know what, I cried the whole night when I was rejected by you, I couldn't believe that you're loving me, It was like a dream, I said.

He pulled me closer. I'm sorry, Rave, I behaved so stupidly that day, After that incident, I felt so bad. Even after that, I didn't come to console you though, I'm so sorry, He said.

It's okay, Repay me with your love, I said and smiled at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead tenderly. Oh My God, I feel so good and happy now, If you ask me who was the happiest person now? I would really scream my name that loud, I thought. 

Then, We walked into the woods. 

Rave, I want to show you something, He said. Okay, I said and followed him. He holds my hand while walking. He took me to the alluring lake. Woah, It looks so beautiful, I said.

Yeah, I know, He said. I was enjoying the view of the beautiful lake. 

Rave, He called and drew me closer to his arms. He wrapped his arms around me. My gaze went to his eyes. 

Don't leave me, Even when I push you away, I want you to stay by my side always, Will you? He asked.

Yes, I would love too to stay by your side, I said and grin at him. And....... I don't want to lose you, His voice cracked. 

You won't lose me, Okay!!!! I said. I slowly kissed his cheek. A pleasant grin appeared on his lips. Then we sat and soaked our legs in the lake. We spent a happy time in the lake. 

We should go now, I said.

Yeah, He said. And we both went to our cabin. 

Good night, I said and opened my room door. He grabbed my hand. I gave a muddled look. 

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