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I slept while listening to the music last night. I got off my bed and walked straight to the bathroom. I splashed the water on my face to feel better. I want to see my friends now, I thought while glancing myself at in the mirror. I want to see Noah and Will, And of course Miss Matterson too. I want to make sure that they were doing okay. I brushed my teeth and came out of my bathroom. A message popped on my phone as I wiped my face in the towel. I ran towards my phone and opened the message. It was from Aaron.

Woke up? Aaron asked through the message.

Yes, I replied within a second.

Meet me at the lobby, He texted.

I'm still in my pajamas and my hair was super messy but I don't care about it right now. I just walked out of my room. Aaron was wearing his shorts and t-shirt.

I walked towards him. Did I just wake you up? He asked as he kept his phone in his pocket.

No, I replied. I'm going to meet Will, Noah, and Matterson. Do you wanna come? He asked. I nodded. Did the committee approve to meet them? I asked. Yes, He answered. Then we both started to walk.

I want to meet Clever too, I said to broke the awkward silence between us. Clever is fine, Rave, He replied as his gaze turned towards me. She was just mad last night. She will be normal soon, He said as our hands were brushing together while walking. I nodded and found his gaze. Look, I don't wanna be in love with you again, I said without a warning. Don't start this in the morning, he said.

I'm just saying, I replied as my head was facing down. We reached the stairs. Rave, We will figure this out, He said as we took the stairs. No, we will not. I just stopped loving you and maybe you should too, I said as I know I was lying. I just don't wanna hurt him as I did to others. They all were injured because of me. I don't wanna let this happen again. I want to find the soul bead soon, I thought.

What? He asked and raised his eyebrows. Yes, I replied. Rave, I know you. You won't talk these shits. Is it because you're afraid to lose me again? He asked. I stayed silent. Don't how to react. You won't lose me, He said as we reached the floor where Will, Noah, and Matterson were present. There were three separate rooms for each patient. 

I reached the room. When I tried to open the door, Aaron held my wrist in his hand. I gave a muddled gaze. Promise me that we will talk about us later, He insisted. Yes, We will, I assured him. Then I opened the door. I found Noah first. He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. His left leg was covered with a roller bandage to cover his wounded place. And I could see his bruises on his face. The nurse was standing beside his bed. I walked towards him.

Aaron asked the nurse to leave us alone for some time. Noah slowly opened his eyes and tried to get up. I adjusted his pillow when he sat. He was my friend but not all will die for me though.

Hey, Noah said as his voice was sore. Hey, How are you doing? I asked as I sat on the chair which was placed near the bed. Not bad, He replied with a smile.

I'm sorry. It's all because of me, I apologized as my eyes were flooded with tears. Rave, It's not your fault. We took the responsibility to protect you from those demons he said as he reached for my hands. Understand? He asked when I put my head down. I nodded.

Does it hurt too much? I asked and lifted my head. It hurts but that's okay, He replied with a smile on his lips. His gaze went to Aaron. Dude, You are so lucky to have a girlfriend like this, Noah teased him. What makes you say that? Aaron asked with surprised eyes. Nothing, Just felt that Noah replied and glanced at me. A few moments later April reached us.

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