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I tried to run after him. But Miss Emilia stopped me.

Rave, You two did a great job, She congratulated us. 

Thank you, I have to go now, I said in a hurry and started to search for Aaron. I searched him in each and every block. But he wasn't found yet. I took my phone and called him but he wasn't responding. Oh God, What should I do now? Then I went to the cabin. I found my friends there except Aaron. William saw my frustrated face. He came near me.

Rave, Everything Okay? William asked.

Aaron was upset after his hallucination battle, I said.

Okay, Let's search him together, He said.

No, I searched him everywhere, Let us give him some time to get over this, I said. 

Okay, you look so tired, Go and fresh up first, He said. 

Okay, I said. The time passes by, till now he didn't come home. I just sat on the couch and waited for him. It's 9:30 pm. What does he was doing out there? I'm so worried about him. It's so dark and cold out there. Does he got caught by the committee because he wasn't in the cabin? I asked myself. He knew that no one was allowed out after 8 pm. 

Suddenly the main door opens. Aaron came in. I stood up from my place. 

Aaron, I called. He stood silently. Do you wanna talk about it? I asked.

Nope, Just leave me alone, Aaron said and went to his room. I took a breath. He didn't even have his dinner tonight, So I prepared dinner for him. 

I knocked on his room door. Aaron opened the door. What do you want now? He asked with a slightly raised voice.

I just want to give you food, You didn't have dinner, So, I said and glanced at him.

Okay, Come in, He said and he opened the door wide. I got in. I sat next to him. Here, Have your dinner, I said and handed over the plate to him. He started to eat. 

Rave, Did you had your dinner? He asked. I nodded. 

Aaron kept on eating without saying a single word.

I want to ask him but I'm afraid.

Rave? Aaron called.

Yes, I said

Don't worry about me. Go and sleep, Aaron said.

But, You were terrified after that incident. Are you really okay? I asked.

He was silent.

It doesn't matter I'm okay or not. I'll take care of it. You can go, Aaron said.

It hurt me. But I don't want to leave Aaron alone. I don't know why.

He finished his dinner without uttering a single word. I was still sitting in the bed. But he didn't bother to ask me anything.

Suddenly a pair of hands back hugged me. I was shocked. After seeing that hands I was calmed and happy because It was the hands of a person whom I love the most.

Rave, Thank you so much. Thank you for staying with me and caring for me. Thank you for everything. But.....I don't deserve you. Please, stop loving me. I don't want to hurt you anymore. So please don't love me, Aaron said.

I don't even know what to say. He is saying me to stop loving HIM! How can he say that? Does he even know how much I love him? How can I stop loving him?, I thought.

He removed his hands from me. I was in the urge to cry. I just came out of the room without looking at him. I took a deep breath, Rave, Calm down, Don't cry you're having a battle tomorrow. Just think about that, I thought. Then I went to my room. I jumped on my bed and fell asleep. The night passed.

The next day, battle 2 was in the Golden Peach Battleground. We're on the battlefield. Aaron was standing beside me. The Witch master came and stood in front of us.

Are you guys ready for Battle 2? the Witch master asked.

Yeah, We're, Aaron replied with confidence. The Witch Master went and gave a signal So that the Cadmus dragon would enter the battlefield. A moment of silence appeared. I heard the strong footsteps. It was huge. Finally, Cadmus entered the battlefield. It was huge and tall. I really have to raise my head to see the face of it. Cadmus's body was like an angry steam engine. It has sturdy wings and honed claws. It has a tail-like sword. Its skin is shining like metals. When it saw our faces. It began to puff fire through his mouth. I was shocked and stood silently. Suddenly Aaron grabbed me and started to run. I ran along with him.

Rave, What are thinking about at this time? Come on, We have to use our powers, He said and I nodded. Cadmus continuously started to blow the fire. 

 Aaron turned back and pulled me aside before Cadmus attack me. Aaron let himself float in the air and started to create a huge flame ball in one hand and his other hand was busy protecting himself from the Cadmus fire. He created a shield to protect himself. I flew up and started to throw a purple flame against the Cadmus. Cadmus started to roar and it strikes me with his tail. 

It pushed me down with its tail. I tried to push its tail aside, really it was too heavy. Finally, I stood up and gazed over Aaron. He was struggling alone. I flew up and went near him. So what are we going to do now? I asked and made a protective shield with my power. 

We can't hold to this protective shield for a long time, We have to do something, He said. 

Okay, I will attack Cadmus from the back and you attack it from the front, I said. 

Okay, He said. I flew behind the Cadmus. I threw a flame ball at his back head. It turned its head and gazed over me. 

Do you want me? I Yawped. It roars and started to blow its flame against me. I protected myself with the help of my shield. Aaron constantly threw the flame ball at the Cadmus's head. It got distracted. It was the correct time to do it, I thought. So I flew near the Cadmus's neck and pulled out my sword. I thrust the sword with a force in the neck of Cadmus. Cadmus got hurt and started to lose its balance. On the other side, Aaron threw a powerful Flame ball at the Cadmus. Cadmus totally lost its control. 

 But even though it got hurt, it strikes me again with its tail. When I thought I'm gonna hit the ground, suddenly, Aaron caught me with his hands. My gaze met his eyes. 

Are you Okay? He asked. 

Yeah, Thank you for catching me, I said and smiled.

He slowly helped me to land my foot on the ground. The Witch Master showed up. 

You two really done well, It's time to take Cadmus with me, He said and left us alone. 

I gazed over Aaron. What are you looking at? He asked.

You got a little gash in your forehead, I said and touched it. Aahhh, He expressed in my pain.

Oh my God, I'm sorry, I said.

It's Okay, It's Time now, We have to go, He said. I nodded.

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