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The next morning, I woke up too soon. It's 4 am and I pulled myself out of my bed. I went to the bathroom to get fresh up. After that tied my hair. And went to the kitchen to make coffee for me. Later I went to my room with my coffee. Since It's 4 am no one is awake.

I opened my laptop and started it. Again I started to browse about the tournament. James Collins and his group was the winner of the tournament in 2016. It says that there was the toughest battle between James Collins's and Mike seven's Group. Usually, the Third Tournament contains 3 battles but in 2016 the higher committee held 5 Battles.  It's because that the two teams are so strong. At the final battle, James and his group won. And now they are ruling the place called Orina. While browsing I heard some noise on the back porch. So I went there to see who it is. 

It's Noah. 

Hey, What are doing here at this time? I asked.

Nothing, just enjoying the silence, He said.

Silence, I asked with a bewildered face. 

Yes, no one will be awake in the early morning so there will be silence and peace, he said.

Oh, I said. 

Why are you awake at this time? he asked.

Well, It's the first day of our college so I woke up, I said and smiled at him.

Hm Hm, he said. 

I sat next to him. We chatted for an hour. He seems nice to me. Later everyone woke up. We ate breakfast together. We took the bus which leads us to Nightfall College. When we reached the place we all got down from the bus. 

The college with full of dreams and hope, finally I'm here. Nightfall college has a huge entrance. We all started to walk inside. The wizard's teachers were flying from one block to another block. They seemed busy. 

At nightfall College for 2 groups, 1 wizard teacher will teach the student. And these two groups will have 1 block where the teacher will teach their classes.  

I saw a map of Nightfall college. It shows that where each block is located. According to our group, We belong to Block 8. So we searched for block 8 on the map. Block 8 was located at the center of the college. After we reached our Block, we got into our class. 

There we saw group 7 members. We also joined them. I decided to sit next to clever but before that William sat next to her. Noah and April sat together. The place only left for me is next to Aaron, so I sat next to him.

It's nearly 9:35 am, But still, the teacher didn't show up. After few minutes, the teacher came. We stood up.

Good morning students, You may sit, she said. And we all sat down.

I'm Emma Reinhart, I'm your teacher for the sorcery subject. Well you know the rules, I hope you don't break them, she said and smiled at us.

Okay, introduce yourself because we all gonna travel for the next two years together, she said. We all said our names and hobbies to Miss Emma. She really looked so young. 

So this our first class, Now we will go to the practice room there I will show you how to control your power, she said. We all got there. The practice room was so spacious. 

Okay, students, everybody just listens here, Calm yourself, and focus on your hands. While she is concentrating, a purple color flame appeared in her hand and she threw the flame into the circle ring which is placed there.

Okay, students, Now it's your turn, Do this if it doesn't work out I will help you, she said.

I tried to concentrate on my hands nothing comes out. William was the first one to throw the flame into the Ring. And then Daisy Stake from group seven threw a flame into the ring. And everyone started to throw the flame. 

I made my mind calm and I tried to concentrate more on my hand and finally, the flame appeared and I threw that flame into the ring. Miss Emma taught some more magic tricks to us. Since it was the first we just got one only class. After our class is over we went to our cabin. I used all of my power today, I'm too exhausted today. 

Now I'm in my room, lying on my bed and scrolling news feed. Suddenly thought about my part-time job flashed in my mind, So I called them. They said they are willing to appoint me as a waitress. And I accepted their offer. So from tomorrow onwards I have to go to a part-time job. 

While thinking about that someone knocked on my room door. I went to see who it is. It's Aaron.

Hey, he said. 

Hey Aaron, I said. 

Just gotta a letter from your sister, he said and handed over the letter to me.

Thank you, I said.

No mention, he said and returned to his room.

I closed my door and went inside.

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