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While I and Clever walked towards the signboard. The signboard represents three ways, which are Therondia, Wellspring, Hythe.  We took the path called Wellspring. We walked along the path. Clever walked too fast. I was thinking about the Old Lady's words, How can I be the cursed child? How it is possible? I asked myself. I walked too slowly like even my footsteps won't give pain to the planet. 

Rave, rave, Clever shouted. Her voice disturbed my thoughts and took me back to reality.  

Yes, I'm coming, I shouted back because she was far away from me. I ran towards the footsteps which are located there. The footsteps reached me to the bridge.  

Did you find anything? I asked her with my eyebrow raised. 

Nope, But I found a beautiful view though, she said and put on her hand around my shoulder. 

Yeah, You did, I said and grinned at her. The view was seriously awesome, the running water from the river was running under the bridge. The Chir Pine trees and Teak trees are located opposite the river.  We enjoyed the view. I literally came out from my thoughts and enjoyed the view. When we got down from the bridge we saw some wildflowers. We didn't dare to touch, We know that some of the flowers are poisonous.  As we heard some noise behind the bushes, We walked towards the bushes. There we saw a little white pegasus which looked so adorable. 

Rave, Did you see that, or am I daydreaming? Clever asked.

Yeah, I see that too, I replied. When I tried to touch the pegasus it ran away from me. 

Rave, Why did you do that? Look, it ran away from us, She said and looked at my face.

I just tried to touch it, It looked so adorable, I replied. She looked annoyed.

Yeah, It is, She said and looked over her watch. 

Oh My God, Rave, We have to go now, It's 12 pm, She said and grabbed my hand, she started to run towards the place where Miss Emilia is present. As we reached, I saw William. I stood beside him. His eyes didn't reach my place where I was standing. So I went closer to him. He totally ignored me. I don't know Why he is behaving so odd? 

Suddenly Miss Emilia came. Brent and Skye found that info bottle, Miss Emilia said. We all clapped for them. So I will share this information in tomorrow's class, Now get back to the College van, She said. 

After we reached the cabin, everyone took a rest except me. I went to Pops for work. Later, I finished my work there and went to the cabin. Ugh finally I could take a rest, I thought. 

When I entered the cabin everyone was having their dinner together. Rave, Come and join us, Clever said.

No, I'm totally exhausted today, let me have a good sleep today, I said and went to my room. Now I'm lying stretched out on my bed. I think I should go and visit that old lady tomorrow while thinking about I fell asleep. 

The next morning, I wake up slowly enjoying the light slanting through my window. Later I  got ready and went out of my room. William, Clever, Noah were sitting on the sofa, where Aaron and April were in the kitchen.  I went to the kitchen,  April was helping Aaron with his dishes. I was a little bit jealous. 

Hey, What are you guys preparing for breakfast? I asked. I folded my arms so I could get some attention from him. 

Umm, Burritos, April replied.

Really, I love Burritos, I said. I saw a tiny grin on Aaron's lips.  

Rave? Did you know that we don't have classes today? April asked.

No, Why What happened? I asked her with curiosity.

Demons attacked Emberwharf town which is near to our College campus, So the committee members asked us to stay in our cabin, She replied.

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