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Will? What are you doing here? I asked and sat next to him on the couch. Why do you care? Will asked. I have no idea why he was talking like that, I thought. I thought you were with Miss Emilia, I said and glanced at him. He stayed silent. Will? I called. Rave, I don't understand you, He said and gazed at me. I gave a muddled look. Why did you didn't tell me that you had already gone to Esher's street? He asked. Okay now, I'm in a trouble. Nobody knows I went to Esher's street except Aaron, I thought. Aaron said that you already had X-mark on your wrist and... that happened when you went to Esher's street right? Will asked. I nodded. So that day you just told us the outline of that incident? He asked and raised his eyebrows. I just nodded. Rave, I thought you shared everything with me. But I'm wrong, He said and his gaze went to the floor. Will, I was afraid. I'm afraid of what people will think that I'm the last cursed person by the Demon's master? And What will happen if the news spread all over the world? The day that old lady told me that I was the chosen one and I have the power for the Demon's master, I was scared. These four months the demons didn't attack me or find me because of the shield, which was made by Aaron's mom but the shield was broken by the evil wizard last night, I explained.

You should've told me everything. He paused. You don't trust me, right? He asked. No, It's not like that. I trust you, I said and glanced at him. No, You don't. You trust Aaron more than me, He yelled and glanced at me. I trust you both, I replied. He stayed silent. Will, I'm sorry. I should've told this before, I thought I have a shield so nothing will happen and I totally forgot about that and I concentrated on our tournaments, I said and held his hands. He didn't utter a word. I've to fresh up first, He said after few minutes and slammed his room door behind him. I sat on the couch and started to think. When I was in my room, I heard the topic that the whole demon kingdom and Nightfall committee is looking for me. The nightfall committee was not sure that I was the last cursed person by the demon or I have the power bead. I'm sure that they didn't know that I have the power bead. Because they are still searching for the person if they knew that it was me. The committee will already abduct me before the Demon's master does, right? I asked myself. On the other side, the demon's master knows that I was the last cursed person. And he knew that I have the power bead. If he got me, He will get the power bead, and definitely, my curse will give him extra power, I thought.

A few minutes later Aaron entered the hall.

Is he mad at you? He asked as he sat on the couch next to me. Yeah, I replied by looking at the switched-off TV. You should've told him before, Aaron said and laid his hand over my shoulder. Yes and I'm regretting it now, I said and my gaze went to his eyes. He was your best friend, He will come back to you don't worry, He said. I nodded.

Later I knocked on William's room door. It's open, Get in, He shouted from inside. I opened it and got inside the room. Will was lying on his bed by holding Wuthering heights book in his hands. He slowly lowered his book which was hiding his face. He gazed at me. I don't know, Why he loves that book so much. He always reads this book when he was upset or mad about something, I thought while gazing at him.

And for the hundred oneth times, I said with a grin on my lips. Always, He replied and pushed himself from the bed. I'm sorry, I said when he placed his book on his shelf. He turned towards me. I'm sorry, I apologized again. It's okay, He said with a sore smile on his lips. You should read that book, He said while glancing at the Wuthering heights book. I nodded my head as yes.

So are we good now? I asked. He nodded and walked towards me with hands in his pockets. Well, The Demon kingdom and Nightfall Committee are looking for you. And The Nightfall committee still didn't find out that you have power bead, He said. I nodded. Should we ask for help from the Nightfall committee? Will asked. I don't think that's a good idea, I replied as I sat on his bed. Neither do I, He replied and smiled at me. He sat next to me. Then What should we do? He asked. I really don't know, I replied. He gazed at the X-mark on my neck. Does it hurt? He asked. Yeah, I replied and covered it with my hair. We need to get a solution for this, He said. I nodded. Seriously I don't know, What will happen if we get a solution for this? Will I be alive or Dead? Many thoughts are capturing my head. The Whistler will definitely hunt me for sure, I thought while glancing at the wall. Muffin? Will called. His voice brought me back to reality. Sorry, Lost in thoughts, I said and smiled at him. Look at me, I and Aaron won't let you down, Okay? He asked. I know, I said and nodded. We will protect you no matter what. We are with you, He assured. I smiled and nodded. We have to find if there is any way to get your shield back or like...uh.. to recreate another strong shield for you, He said as his hand running through his dark brown hair. We should ask Aaron about it, I said. Okay, He replied and stood up from his place. I got up too. When he went to open his door. I grabbed his wrist. I'm sorry, I said again by facing the ground. He titled up my chin. It's okay, He said and hugged me friendly. Then we both went to meet Aaron. Aaron was talking to his mom on the front porch.

Thanks, mom, Call you later, He hung up the phone. What did your mom say? Will asked. She said that she can't recreate the shield. Even if she did it can be easily broken, Aaron explained. So No way out? I asked with glumness. Nope, It's not like that, Aaron replied and walked towards me. So What are we going to do? Will asked. Mom said that if we found Soul bead we can kill the Whistler, Aaron explained. Soul bead? I asked by raising both eyebrows. Will kept one hand on his hip to stand still.

Soul bead and power bead can merge and it will help you to increase your power against Whistler. And there is only one soul bead and power bead on the red planet. Power bead was inside you and... Uh... I don't know where is the soul bead is, Aaron said by pulling me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder while standing. So if we find the soul bead we can destroy Whistler? Will asked as he wiped his sweat from his forehead. Not sure about destroying Whistler, You know he is stronger and he has an Evil witch group and demons by his side, Aaron said. Yeah, You're right, Will said. So What are we going to do? I asked. Don't worry babe, As this year is gonna end the demons can't kill any of us before the new year. That's the curse for them, We are safe for about five days, Aaron said and smiled at me. Yes, The demons can't kill anyone from December 25th and that's why we celebrated the red day on Christmas Day. But they can cause trouble or hurt someone, I thought. I smiled at Aaron for cheering me up when I'm low. I saw April was running towards us. And Noah too. When they reached us, Will was scared. What happened? Is everything okay? Will asked and his eyes were searching for Clever. Where is Clever? He asked before Noah opened his mouth to answer. What happened to Clever? He asked again. He didn't even let them answer and his eyes were pathetic. Will clam, Clever was there, I said and pointed my index finger where Clever was walking. Oh My God, Why did you guys run then? Will asked. Noah challenged me so we two had a race, April said. Ugh, Will expressed in frustration. Cool bro, Noah said. When Clever reached the cabin Will ran towards her and hugged her tightly. What happened? Clever asked while hugging Will. Nothing, Missed you, Will said. It's just been three hours, Clever teased him. Aww, Please stop being cute, I teased them. Then Will broke his hug and walked towards me. Why are you jealous? Will asked funnily. I giggled. No why would I? I asked and glanced at Aaron. Aaron held my hand. Then We all got in.

Later we had our dinner together. When I got into my room to sleep, I was scared of being alone in my room. What if the evil wizard showed up this night too? Why can't I use my power while he was with me? I asked myself. Suddenly someone opened my room door. I turned to see who it is. Thank God, Aaron you scared me, I said. Sorry, I didn't mean to. I wanted to make sure that you're okay, He said and walked towards me. I will be okay, I replied and smiled at him. He reached me and looked deep into my eyes.

He lifts me with his arms and made me lie on my bed. He pulled the blanket and covered me. I smiled. He left the kiss on my forehead. Then he pulled the chair and sat on it. He rested his head on the lamp table which is near my bed and glanced at me. Are gonna sleep like this? I asked. Yes, I know you are scared, I won't leave you alone, He said and gazed at me with love. No, You're not gonna sleep like this, I said and threw a pillow at him. He caught it. What? He asked in surprise. Don't think too much, Sleep on the floor, I said and gave him a blanket. Ugh, He sighed. I giggled. Actually, You don't have to do this. Go to your room, I'll be fine, I said and gazed at him. No, I will sleep on the floor. I don't wanna leave you alone, He said and laid on the floor with his blanket. I'm lucky to have you, I whispered but he didn't hear it because he drifted off by his sleep as soon as he laid. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. You can share your thoughts with me. Don't forget to vote.

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