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It's 7 pm at Theris. The whole palace seemed so hushed. I opened my room door, I saw two male armored guards and they both looked so well trained. When I stepped out of my room the guard's voice reached my ear. Miss Rave Cardin, Where are you going? The tall guard with muscles asked me. Just for a walk, I answered. But We can't allow you to walk alone, The other guard said. Trust me, No one will be able to attack me because the whole palace was filled with guards, I said. Sorry, Miss Cardin. We can't let you wander around. If the Committee found this out, the effect would be more dangerous, the tall guard said as his head was still. Fine, At least let me walk in the same lobby, I requested. I can't be confined in the same room for hours, I said. As per your wish, Miss Cardin, The tall guard approved. I walked on the same floor which contains six rooms. Will entered the lobby by holding Clever in his arms. I walked towards him. What happened? I asked.

Nothing, Muffin. She slumbered while we were watching a movie so I carried her with me. I smiled at him.

She looks so adorable when she is asleep, He said as he still holding her in his arms and his eyes were still on Clever. I opened Clever's room door. Will entered her room and made her lie on her bed. We both left her room and closed her room door.

Clever loves you more than her life, I said suddenly as we both walked in the lobby. The guard's eyes were glued to me. Yeah, I know, Will replied and he kept one hand on his pocket. Muffin, I promised Miss Matterson that I will call Aaron tonight, He said. Yeah, I knew. Why did you accept to help her even though you didn't know her? I asked. Muffin, She said she can see the future. So I thought she could help us. Like... To get rid out of Whistler, Will said as we walked in the same lobby. Hm, Hm, I mumbled. Shall we call him? He asked. I nodded. Let's get inside my room, I said and we both walked towards my room. The guards interrupted Willam when he tried to enter my room. What? He was my friend. Let him get in, I said with frustration. I'm totally frustrated by the rules and regulations of the committee. They are treating me like I'm a prisoner, I thought while holding Will's hand. I know, Miss Cardin. Before he gets inside your room. We need to check him up, The guard said. Sure, You can check me, Will agreed and lift his arms, and locked his hands behind his head. The guards check him thoroughly. Yes, You can get inside her room, The taller guard said. Will nodded and stepped inside my room.

Will, The committee was doing too much, I can't live like this. It feels like I'm living in hell, I growled. Muffin, We will end this together. Actually, Miss Matterson said that she has a clue about the soul bead, Will announced. Really? I asked. Yeah, But she was not sure, Will said as he sat on my bed.

But even though we got a soul bead, I can't come and get it, right? I asked. Why? He asked. See, The guards will never let me out. You saw that right now. There is too much protection Will. It's so tough to get out of my room, I muttered. I will figure it out, He said and held my hand. I smiled.

Shall we call? He asked. Yeah, But If I call him he will never attend, so we should call him on your phone, I said. Will took his phone from his pocket. All right, I will call him. Put it on speaker. I won't talk to him. I just want to hear his voice, I said. Why? He asked.

Will, I don't think that I and Aaron meant forever, I lamented. What makes you say that? Will asked curiously. Will, By chance Aaron returned to me. I don't want him, I said as my eyes flooded with tears. Wait, What? Did I hear you right? Will asked. Whistler said that my loved one will be dead because of me. And It's because of my fate, I reminded him. Muffin, Come on, If we found soul bead we can defeat him, He said. How can I defeat that dumb Whistler? I asked. You can do it. You're powerful than you think and Whistler says that you're the chosen one because you have the power to hold power bead. Not everyone can hold power bead, inside their body for years, He convinced. I smiled at him because I don't think that everyone will get a friend like him. He always stayed by my side no matter what and I will always say that I'm so lucky to have him in my life. Understand? He said. Yeah, Got it. But Until everything comes to normal I'm not gonna chase Aaron, I said. He nodded.

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