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I landed my foot on the ground and ran towards Hellen and Aaron. I hugged Hellen and she started to jump in glee and I jumped with her too. She broke the hug. I can't believe this, She yelled in joy. Yes, I can't believe it too, I said and smiled cheerfully. My gaze went to Aaron. He kept his hand on his abdomen to hide his pain. I walked towards him. Are you okay? I asked and kept placed my hand on his. Yeah, I'm okay, He lied. No, You're not, I paused as he shushed me with his finger. I'm happy that we did this. I'm happy that you did this for Will, He expressed as his eyes were filled with tears. Does it hurt if I hug you? I asked and touched his hand. Life is hurtful anyway. This one hug will never hurt that much as this world hurt me, He replied. I hugged him, I felt warmth as pair of his hands enfold me like a favorite blanket, and I heard his heartbeat. It was faster than I thought. I raised my head and saw his suave face. His eyes were closed.  Well, What's happening here? Hellen interrupted us. We broke the hug. We have to go or the insects will kill us, Hellen said as we heard an insect screeching. Yes, We should, I replied and we all walked out of the place. We flew up to reach the upper part of the cave. We reached the land. Oh god, I can feel the fresh air now, I said and sat on the ground. Aaron sat next to me. Yes, Hellen replied as her rapture blue eyes found mine. You did well, She expressed suddenly. I know, I said with a smile. 

Let's go and find the others. Come on, Hellen said. I nodded. We reached the place where our teams were present. As Hellen said the demons disappeared since Whistler was dead. The teams were injured and some of them were hurt badly. My eyes started to search Clever. God, She should be alive, I prayed. I saw a fair blonde girl who is resting her head on the tree. I walked towards her. I touched her shoulder and her face turned towards me. Clever, I said my eyes went wide in happiness. I'm happy that she is still alive and my heart knows that I don't want to lose her too. She looked tired and I saw some cuts and scrapes on her hands and shoulder. 

I hugged her. You did it, You killed Whistler, She expressed and squeezed me into her hug. Yeah, I giggled. Aaron reached us and we broke the hug. Hellen walked towards us. Eighty people lost their life, Hellen said as she reached us. Eighty? I asked as I felt bad for them. But they all did a good job. They lost their lives for a good cause. Their family will be proud of them, Hellen as she kept her hands on her hip. 

Where is Miss Matterson? I asked. She's dead, Hellen said by looking down. She's dead too, I said as my eyes were filled with tears. I feel like I lost everyone. I feel like I'm the reason why they all are dead, I mumbled as my eyes are letting out my tears. It's not your fault, Rave, Hellen said as she gave me a warm hug. We should head to the Theris. The committee will be waiting for us, Hellen said as she broke the hug. I wiped my tears and nodded. 

Later, We reached Theris. The committee members and Mr.Dumont welcomed us. Rave, Aaron, and Hellen, You really did this. The whole world will be proud of you guys, Mr.Dumont chirped. We responded with a smile. Rave, I want to meet you alone, Mr.Dumont said. Yes, Sure, I said. Okay, Aaron and Hellen. Please get ready for dinner tonight. The team will join us soon, Mr.Dumont informed us. Rave, Please come with me now, He said and started to walk. I followed him. He took me to his room. 

Do you want to talk about something, Sir? I asked as I glanced at the wine shelf which is present in his room. I saw an empty wine bottle that Mr.Dumont had last night. Rave, The war was over now. It's time to take out the beads from your body, It's not safe when you have a bead inside your body. So shall we? He asked. I nodded and stood in the circle as I did earlier. He applied his power inside my body and I felt uncomfortable. I closed my eyes to feel nothing. Suddenly I felt a pain in my whole body when I opened my eyes, I saw Mr.Dumont holding two beads, one was emerald and one was red. It's over, He said as he locked those beads inside the wooden box. I smiled. Well, Get ready for dinner, He said. I nodded. Shall I leave? I asked. Yes and you've done a great job, my dear, He said with a smile. I responded with a grin. I walked out of the room. I reached my floor and went inside my room. For the first time, I'm happy with my heavy heart. I'm happy that I've done something worthwhile to live but I'm feeling heavy that I lost my best friend and Matterson. And when I think about Aaron, It's not the right time to fall in love again. I wanted to spend time alone and I wanted to console Clever and I wanted to be there for her even I'm not stable, I thought as I sat on my bed. I heard a knock on my door and when I opened it, I saw Clever in front of me. Clever, Come in, I said. She let her foot land on my room. She sat on my bed and her eyes started to wander around my room. It was the first time that I'm being here, She said. Hm, Hm, I mumbled and sat on the bed. Clever, Look, I'm here if you want to talk about Will. If you cry I will console you and I know words are not enough but you're not alone, I'm here always for you, I said with teary eyes as I reached for her hands. I know, I need time to overcome it, She said as she started to cry. I can feel you, I said and gazed at her. Rave, Can you do me a favor? She asked as she wiped her tears. Anything for you, I answered.

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