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When I opened my eyes, I found myself on my bed. My whole body was aching like a hell. I gradually got up and sat on my bed. Lisa was sitting on the chair with her eyes closed. I want to know if Aaron was okay. So I got down from my bed. Swiftly Lisa woke up and stood up from her place. 

Rave, You woke up. Where are you going? Lis asked in a concerned voice. I just wanted to check up on Aaron, I replied. Why? He tried to kill you, Rave. Why are you running after him? She asked in a slightly raised voice. I know she was angry about what he did to me. But I'm not gonna run away as Emily did to him, I thought while glancing at Lisa. Because I love him, I responded and shrugged. She got mad. Rave, He tried to kill you. And I'm not gonna let you run after that half-demon, She offended. He will become a pure immortal before New year, I replied in frustration. I got mad when she called him a half-demon. Are you sure? Because I don't think that your brain is working right now, She said resentfully. Lis, I know he tried to kill me. But he always stayed away from me for this cause for a long time. You have no idea what I've been gone through and you will never know, I paused. I know she wants me to stay safe and to stay away from him. But I just wanted to make sure that he was okay, I thought while looking at Lisa's teary eyes. 

Rave, I don't think it's safe for you. I just have only one sister and I can't lose her, She said as her tears rolled down her cheek. You won't lose me, I will be alright. Everything will be alright, I assured as I walked towards her. Let me go, I said and gazed at her. She nodded and wiped her tears. I smiled and walked towards my door. I stepped into the hall. I found Will there, when he saw me he rushed towards me and squeezed me into his hug. I can't bear it cause I'm having body pain. It's hurt, I muttered softly. I'm sorry, Muffin, Will replied as held my hand gently. How are you doing? Does your body ache? Or Feeling strange or something? Will asked. I don't care about it right now. All I care about is Aaron, I said and gazed at Will. What? No, Don't say that you're gonna meet him, Will said in an awkward tone. For sure, I'm going to meet him. I'm not gonna run away from him as Emily, I responded quickly as he finished his sentence. Yeah, I know. But I don't think that it's safe for you. We all care about your safety, Will said. Is he is still bleeding? I asked. Rave, Don't change the topic, Will said as his fingers corrected my messy hair. No, I'm asking seriously, I said. He is not bleeding. We called his dad and he treated him, Will answered. I want to see him, I said. No, You can't, He replied and grabbed my hand. Come on, Will. He will think that he was the reason for everything, I said. Muffin He is responsible for everything. He stayed away from you every day but today he failed it was his fault, Will offended. That's not fair, Will, I said. Where is he? I asked with enrage voice. Your wish is to die, He aroused. He pointed his index finger at Aaron's room, Will was so mad about me. But I didn't care about anything, I just wanted to see Aaron. I walked towards Aaron's room door. I didn't give a knock on his door. I opened his room door hesitantly. 

I found Aaron on his bed. He was sat on his bed. His knees brought up to his chest and he was wrapping his hands around his knees. His head was rested on his knees. I made no sound. I stepped inside his room. He doesn't even give a movement on his body. He just glued with his position. 

Aaron, I called by his name. He slowly titled his head up and glanced at me. His forehead was cloaked with metal-grade tape. But I can still see the blood on his head. His palms were wrapped with a cloth that will protect him from bleeding. My eyes flooded with tears when I saw him in this state. 

Rave? Go away, I will hurt you again, His voice broke. I didn't give any kind of reaction. How are you doing? I asked with a fake grin on my lips. Go away. I'm a killer, He shouted. No, You're not, I defended. I walked two steps in front. No, Stay away, please. Don't ever try to come near me. I don't want to do this to you, He said with a sore voice. I stood in the same place, Don't know what to do. We better break up, He said. What? I asked. I gave him another chance to correct his sentence. He is being silly right now. Let's break up, He repeated. What the hell? No way, I paused. I studied his face. Do you remember? "Please don't go away from me even when I push you away", You said that I reminded him. Yeah, I did. But I don't want to hurt you like this. Let's get separated. I'm doing this because I love you, He said and stood from his place. Tears fell down from my eyes. When he started to walk towards his window, he winced in pain. 

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