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 I walked towards the Group 5 van. As I reached the Van, a girl with Kohl- black hair came to me and said, Hi, I'm Clever Humshell.

Hi, I'm Rave Cardin, I said. We started to introduce ourselves. The boy who I saw in the Venesella, His name was Aaron. Finally I met him. The time passes by, The van driver came and asked us to get in. We all got in. April Ashlyn sat next to me, She wore Kidult clothes in an offbeat way. She looked Wow. 

Hey, she said. 

Hey, I said.

An awkward silence appeared so I decided to start a conversation.

Umm, Where are you from? I asked.

I'm from Australia, she said. And Where are you from? she asked.

I'm from Nashville, I said.

We started to share our stories. And the van driver stopped at Cabin 5. We all got down from the van. We all standing in front of our cabin.  Noah opened the main of the Cabin. We all entered one by one. 

The cabin has one spacious main hall, one neat kitchen, a beautiful front and back porch, and six separate rooms for us. We were all amazed by the cabin. But it worth having because we all gonna save this planet by sacrificing our lives. 

April took Room 1, Clever took room 2, I took room 3, Noah took room 4, Aaron took room 5 and at last, Willam took room 6.

 I entered my room, the walls of the room were painted in light purple color, I liked the color. A comfortable desk was placed in the corner of my room.  A narrow oaken closet was placed opposite my bed. I kept all my belongings on the floor and I jumped myself on the bed. The bed was so comfy. I took my phone, it was automatically changed its signal to the red planet. I scrolled the news and after a few minutes got up from my bed to shower, it almost dinner time. So I took bath and wore a comfortable dress. I went out of my room. Clever and April were already in the Kitchen. The Boys were in the Hall watching the Wizards game on the television. 

I went to the Kitchen.

Hey, What are you preparing tonight? I asked.

Pizza, Clever said. William came into the kitchen. Girls Need some help, He asked.

No thanks, April said. It's okay I will help you he said and smiled. We prepared our dinner together. I cleaned the dining table to dine. After we prepared our food we started to have it. Aaron was sat opposite to me at the dining table. I tried to talk to him but I'm nervous. Really I don't why I'm being so nervous. I said to myself you can do it, When I tried to talk with him Noah interrupted.

Do you want some juice? he asked.

No Thanks, I said. And he moved to his seat. I started to eat my food. 

Guys, can we watch a movie tonight? Clever asked. 

Yes for sure, What movie can we watch? Willam asked. 

We all giving various movie suggestions. And finally, we all accepted to watch Avengers: End game. After having our dinner we washed our dishes.  After finishing all of our works, we all settled down in the hall to watch the movie.  

Aaron played the movie. Everyone looked so sad when Tony died. Well, that scene would make anyone sad.

 After watching the movie, we went to our room. I entered my room and opened my bag to settle all this stuff in my room. I took my dresses from my bag and arranged them neatly in my closet. I took my Photo frame from my bag. Yeah, that's me and my sister Lis. She looked so beautiful in that picture, I wish she was here. I took that photo with me and placed it on my desk. I'm exhausted today. 

I'm lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I'm reminding myself that, tomorrow I have to write a letter to Lisa. While thinking about her, it makes me feel that something was missing.

 But It's okay. I'll make her proud one day. While thinking about that I went to sleep.

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