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I've been getting symptoms of a half-demon inside my body frequently. Before anything happens I've to visit my dad and ask him for a solution. So I decided to visit a place called Warem. Warem is the place where my dad was working temporarily. I got dressed up and opened my room door. I reached the hall where my friends are having fun. But I haven't found Rave so my eyes started to search for her. I walked towards the kitchen.

Rave and Noah were preparing breakfast together. I leaned my body against the wall and folded my arms, and enjoyed her presence. Noah and Rave didn't notice me.

Even though I have been avoiding her but our love didn't reduce a bit. I want to get cured soon and I want to hug her and tell her that I'm not a half-demon anymore.

Make that dough softer, Noah said.

Okay, Captain, Rave said and smiled at him. Noah smiled at her too. When she was making dough, her fair blonde hair was falling on her face, When she tried to remove her hair which is brushing her cheek, unfortunately, she applied the dough on her cheek. Seriously, she looked cute. I laughed when she realized that the dough was on her cheek. Noah laughed at her and she smiled too. But deep inside I was jealous because of Noah. I know she loves me but Noah was quite handsome and smart. I'm not saying that he will steal my girl. I'm possessive that's all, I thought.

When she turned back and saw my face. Her pleasant beautiful smile disappeared. Noah, Turned back to switch on the oven. He saw me.

Aaron, What are you doing here? I thought you were with April, He said. Rave kept the bowl on the Kitchen table and gazed at me.

Um, I came here to get a juice from the fridge, I said and gave smile. Okay, He said and nodded.

Are you going out with someone? Noah asked. Rave gave questioning look.

No, No, I'm going to Warem, And... I'm going alone, I said and glanced at Rave.

Warem? Noah asked.

Yeah, My dad was working there so I'm going to meet him, And..... I'm having some unsolved problems in my life so I'm gonna meet him and get an answer for them, I said.

Okay, Noah said. A sweet cheerful smile appeared on Rave's lips. Her eyes met mine.

Rave, Can I talk to you alone? I asked. She nodded. I gazed at Noah. And hoping that Noah will understand us and leave us alone.

Yeah, I will leave then, Noah said and left the kitchen. I walked towards her.

I'm going to Warem, I said and held her hands.

Yeah, I know, You said that now, She replied and put her head down. She was gazing at the floor.

I lifted her chin with my hand. I saw her glittery eyes. I wiped the dough which is on her cheek. A small grin appeared on her lips.

Everything will be alright soon, I said. Okay, She said and nodded.

Okay then, I'm leaving, I said. She nodded.

Then, I left the kitchen. Later I went to the Warem. I reached a colossal house which has a great big gate. I opened it and went inside. There were pleasant tall trees and small bushes in the front of the house. It looked awesome. When I reached the door, I knocked on the door. The door opened.

Casey? I asked in surprise. Casey was my sister and yeah unlike me she was a full wizard.

Aaron? What are you doing here? She asked in surprise.

I came here to visit our dad, I replied.

Oh, she replied within a second.

What are you doing here? I asked and raised my eyebrows.

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