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The next morning, the warm sunlight traveled through my window. It kissed my cheek gently, so I could wake up. I opened my eyes slowly, the flash from the sunlight made my eyes blink. I pulled out myself from my bed. And took a shower. I wore high waist jeans and matched those jeans with a White color knot crop top t-shirt. And combed my blonde hair.  When I'm finally done with everything came out of my room. 

William came near me. Today was April's birthday, Go and wish her, He whispered in my ears.

I nodded my head. April was in the kitchen. I walked towards her and hugged her fondly. Happy birthday, April, I said with fondness. 

Thank you, Rave, She said. Aaron was standing next to her. I didn't a glance at him. 

Okay, Come let's have breakfast together, I said. Aaron tried to talk with me, but I ignored him and took April with me. 

I thought I don't want him to torture him, I don't want to interfere in his personal things.

I went to the dining table so we could have breakfast together. Clever sat next to me. Suddenly Aaron came.

Hey Clever, If you don't mind can I sit here, Aaron asked. 

Yeah sure, she said and stood up from that place. Aaron took that place and sat next to me. 

Hey Rave, He said. 

Hey, I replied. I didn't want to start a conversation with him so I chatted with William. After we had breakfast, We went to the college. Today they arranged the assembly for the students. We went to the Assembly Hall. We took our place and sat down. The student started to chat with their friends. And some of them started making a weird noise.  When Professor Dumont entered the hall, the whole hall became silent. 

We all paid attention when he was on the stage. He started his speech.

Good morning students, I hope you all well. Some of them are following the rules where some of them breaking the rules. It's so sad to hear when you are breaking the rules. Do obey the rules of the college, Remember Discipline is important than anything. Okay now, Straight to the point, We will be having ACC Ceremony on October second week. So Students will be having party which will be arranged by the college. In this ceremony, like our college, all colleagues from all over the world will join us. So you should behave well. And also you will be having your first tournament in November third week. Prepare well, Thank you, students. You may all go to the respective classes.

Students started to cheer. They all are happy about the party. To be honest I love parties. When the speech over, We went to our class. Noah sat next to me. Aaron gave a look but I ignored it. 

Mr. Olive entered the class, he started to take a lecture about the ancestors. We all hate this class. I'm bored I started to play with my hair. Half of my class slept. He didn't care about that. When the class the over, I took my things. Everyone went outside of the class too quickly. When I went out of my class, Aaron was waiting for me. 

Hey, he said. I walked away from him. He grabbed my hand. I gave a muddled look. Everyone was standing on the veranda so he took me to the empty class.

What are you doing? I asked him.

He just gave me a look.

Listen, Hereafter I won't torture you, Or I won't interfere in your personal things, I'm sorry that I asked you so many questions yesterday, It was my fault, I said and folded my arms.

Rave, I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood yesterday so I behaved rudely to everyone, What I said yesterday, doesn't have any meaning, I'm sorry, He said.

Oh, I said.

He grabbed my one hand. Look, I will not hurt you hereafter, I'm stupid and I'm a sick child, He said by holding my hand in his hand. His hand was so warm. I wish I could hold it forever I thought. 

Yeah, You're stupid, It's okay, I will forgive if you buy me ice cream, I said. He smiled.

Really, He asked. 

Yes, I said and smiled at him. Later, We went to the ice cream shop. He bought me ice cream.

Now, Miss Rave Cardin, Will you forgive me? He asked.

I will think about it, I said and smiled at him. 

What? you said you will forgive me after buying you ice cream, He said. He grabbed my ice cream and lift his hand. My ice cream was in his hands. I was short to get that. So I jumped to grab my ice cream.

Do you want it? Jump and get it, He said.

I jumped but I couldn't reach his hands. I'm tired. My ice cream started to melt.

Oh my God, It's melting, I said by looking up at his hands.

Yeah, I know, Tell me that you are forgiven, then I will buy you one more, He said.

Okay, Fine, You are forgiven, I said. And He bought me another ice cream.

 Then we went to our cabin. Today was April's birthday, So we both bought a cake for her. We arranged a birthday party for her. After having a party together. Noah asked us to play truth or dare. 

Everyone accepted to play. We sat in a circle shape. Noah rotated the bottle. It pointed to Aaron.

Truth or dare? William asked.

Truth, Aaron said.

Do you have a girlfriend or did you love someone before? William asked.

Yes, He said. I was shocked by his answer. Almost I would cry right now. 

What? Do you have a girlfriend? I asked.

 I loved her but we broke up he said. I was like thank god, I know I'm being selfish right now.

Then Aaron rotated the bottle. It pointed me. So Truth or Dare, Noah asked.

Truth, I said, because I don't want to do dare.

Do you have a crush on somebody in our college? Or Maybe It can be from our group, He asked. 

I was shocked, I gave a blank face. How could I tell them that I have a crush on Aaron? I don't know how to react. I stayed silent.

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