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William opened the front door. We both got in. I saw everyone waiting for me in the hall. 

Are you okay? Clever asked with fondness. Yeah, I'm okay, I said. A few minutes later, Aaron came up with a bottle of juice and handed over it to me and he gave a concerned look. 

You said that you're dehydrated so I brought you a juice, Drink it, Aaron said. I grinned at him. Everyone settled on the Sofa.

Guys, I'm sorry, I should've told you everything before, But first I thought I was just gonna meet that Old lady but everything went wrong, I said and took a sip of my juice.

You don't need to be sorry, Take some rest now, April said. 

Okay, I said. I looked over William. He caught my eye and went into his room. April, Noah, and Clever went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I stood up from my place and went near to William's room door. I knocked on William's room door. He opened the door. 

Can I talk to you for a minute? I asked. He glanced at me for a moment. 

Yeah Okay, Get in, William replied. I entered his room. Now What? He asked.

William, Look, the reason, I hide about my love for Aaron because I don't want to make you feel bad for Noah. You both have been so close for a while, I don't want to break your.... kind of brother relationship with Noah. So I have been waiting for the right time to tell you about this but you ignored me. You know what even Aaron doesn't know I love him, I explained.

I didn't ignore you, I was mad at you, He said.

Why? I asked. 

Because Noah was so sad when you rejected his love, So I asked him, First he didn't say anything but I asked him continuously finally he explained everything, I waited for you to explain the same thing, But you didn't, He expressed.

Okay, It's my fault, I'm sorry and I won't do that again, I said.

Rave, Don't give that sad and innocent face, He said and laughed. 

What makes you laugh? I asked and raised both eyebrows.

I have never seen you this serious, He said and tucked my blonde hair behind my ear.

So Can we be friends again? I asked and looked into his eyes for his answer.

Yes, Of course, how can I lose my stupid best friend? He said and chuckled.

Yeah, I can't lose you too, I said. He put on his hand around my shoulder. 

Okay, now you're gonna propose Aaron, He said. I was shocked. 

You're Kidding, Right? I asked and gave him a muddled look. 

No, I'm not, How long are you gonna wait for him? He asked.

I don't know, I said.

You love him right? He asked.

Yeah, I do, Even every day I'm getting a reason to fall for him, He takes care of me like a child. He always saved me, when I'm in danger, Even today if he didn't come there, I will be found dead, But my only fear is " What if he doesn't accept my love?" I replied.

How can anyone reject this stupid lovable creature, He said and tweaked my cheeks.

Aww, really, I asked.

Yeah, Now go and confess your love for him, He said and pushed me out of the room. I turned back and gave him a mousy look. 

You can do it, All the best, He mumbled and closed his room door. Rave, You can do this, I encouraged myself. 

I searched Aaron in the hall, But he wasn't there. He maybe went to his room to take a rest, Let him take rest, I thought.

When I turned, Aaron was standing behind me. Are you looking for Clever? Aaron asked.

No, No, I'm not looking for anyone, I replied.

Oh okay, Then, He said and turned back. Come on Rave, What are you afraid of? You can do this, I hearten myself.

Hey Aaron, Can I talk to you alone? I want to ask you something, I said and gripped my hand.

Yeah, Sure, He said.  Wait for me, I will be back, He added. I waited for him. He came up with an ice bag.  What happened? Did you got hurt? I asked and gave a gaze at him. 

No, It's not for me, It's for you,  keep this ice bag on your wrist, It will make you feel better, He said and handed over it to me. Aww, how nice he is, He was so good to me, I want him to be in my life until I die, I want to make him mine, I thought.

Can we go? He asked. 

Yeah, I replied. We both went to the back porch. He sat down and started to play with the grass. I sat next to him. What you wanna talk about? He asked. 

Umm, Why does the Demon's master chose me? I asked. He stopped playing with the grass and looked into my eyes.  I know that's not the question I wanted to ask, I was nervous.

Because you're the last cursed child by a Master, He cursed you before he died, Now he reborn again only the last cursed child can give him a hefty power to him. He wants your body to acquire his power, That's why I asked you to not go alone anywhere, He said.

But, How did you know all these? I asked. 

Do you remember I took you to one's witch home once you got a mark on the wrist? He asked.

Yeah, I do remember, I said.

The witch explained these details about you, He said. 

Oh, I said. When I opened my mouth to ask another question he interrupted me.

Don't ask any other question about that please, He said.

Okay, I said. We both stayed silent for a minute. So, that's all can we get inside the cabin? He asked.

No, I wanted to ask you a question for so long, Can I? I asked.

Yeah, He said and his gaze met mine. 

Aaron, I really wanted to tell you this from the beginning, I paused for a moment, I love you, You make me feel good, I have never experienced love until I saw you, I want to be with you, You don't have to answer now take your own time, I said and waited for his answer.

Rave, But I don't love you, I see you as a good friend, He said.

You don't love me because I'm cursed? I asked.

What? No, he replied.

Then? I asked. My eyes are almost filled with tears.

I don't feel the way you feel me, I don't want to be in love again, Please understand, He said.

Yeah, okay but I'll wait for you always, I said. 

Rave, You don't have to wait for me, I'm not gonna love you anyway, Don't waste your time waiting for me, He said and stood up. He went inside the cabin. 

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