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What? How can I leave you? The Master is reborn again, He said. "He wants you", He added and gave a wild look. 

Why did he want me? I mumbled. 

I don't need to answer you, I'm gonna take you with me, He said rudely.  Look, Mike, She may be a cursed child, she is perilous to your master, Your master's death will be caused by her in the future, So leave her here, The old lady said. But he didn't listen to her words. He grabbed my hand and took me outside from the house. I don't know what to do, So I bite him strongly on his shoulder.

Aahhhh, He expressed in pain and left my hand free for a moment. I tried to run away from him. But he caught me and pushed me down to the ground. 

I said, If you tried to escape, you will be dead, He bellowed. My heart trembled. He slowly bent towards me. So your wish is to be dead right? Let me fulfill your wish, He said and took his sword.

No, No, Leave me, I stuttered and my tears from my eyes fell to the ground. He raised his sword to kill me. Suddenly a purple flame ball ambushed him and threw him against the tree. I saw Aaron running towards me. When Aaron reached me, he catches the sight of my teary eyes and clasped wrist by Mike.

 Mike got up. Oh, look who is here, Mr. Aaron Foley, I'm gonna finish you both, He said and started to throw a flame ball against us. 

Aaron made a protective shield with his power. I got up and tried to help Aaron. But I'm so weak now because I'm dehydrated. My body won't allow me to use my power when I'm dehydrated. Mike continuously started to throw his flame ball. Aaron's protective shield broken because of a heavy flame thrown by Mike. Aaron threw a very strong flame ball at Mike, It made Mike fell to the ground. He hit his head on the ground. Mike tried to get up but he couldn't.

I'll catch you next time, He said and rested his head on the ground. 

Come with me, Aaron said and he teetered because he lost all of his energy. I hold his hand with my hand. We walked into the forest. I turned my head to see if Mike is following us, But he didn't.

How did you know that I'm here? and Did you know him because he said your name correctly, I asked him? He stayed silent. 

Aaron, I'm asking you, I said and went in front of him and stood steadily. 

Rave, How can you be so unwise about your life? You will be found dead if I didn't come there, Are you mad? He asked with a slightly raised voice.

Yeah, I know, I'm mad as you think, I just wanna know the truth about my parent's death, I lost them but at least I can hear the truth, I said. He saw my teary eyes. All of sudden, he grabbed my waist and hugged me. I'm totally shocked right now.  Don't do this again, he said while hugging me. 

Okay, I won't, I said. 

Promise me, He said.

Yes, I promise you that I won't do this again, I said and hugged him tightly. 

I love him but I'm afraid to confess my love,  What if he doesn't accept my love? He helped me a lot, Is it a sign of love or just friendship, many thoughts are running in my mind.  

I heard an old lady voice behind. We both went near her. Oh dear, You are alive, I thought you will be dead, She said.

He saved me, And his name was Aaron, I said and glanced at Aaron.

Thank God, Take her home safely, She said with a shaky voice.

Before that, I want to ask you a question, I said to the Old lady.

Yes, You can, She said.

Why can't I remember any of those incidents about my parent's dead? So far I thought my parents have died in a car accident, I paused for a second, And how do you know all these incidents, I added. Aaron stood beside me.

Because the Demon's Master erased your memory and your sister's memory And made your memory as like your parents died in a car accident. Because if you remember any of these you will not be here to become a wizard, She said.

Oh, I said, "How did you know all these?" I asked.

I was your father's friend and I'm also the one who helped him to destroy the demon's master but we failed, She said.

I was aghast. Then why didn't you try to save my parents? I asked with teary eyes.

I tried I was the only one left by the demon, She said. I didn't react anything. 

Be safe, Don't go alone, She said and asked Aaron to take me home safely. Later Aaron and walked together. He asked me something but I was thinking about my parents. I didn't respond. So he grabbed my wrist. Aaahhh, I expressed in pain.

Hey, What happened? he asked and left my wrist. 

No, It's nothing, Mike just clasped my wrist, I said.

He took my hand and looked over my wrist, It was red.

It's okay, I will be fine, I said. 

Screw him, He said harshly.

I laughed, Come on let's go, I said and hold his hand. Then we took a cab it's almost 7 pm.  Before 8 pm we have to be in our cabin because it's the rule of the college. We reached our Cabin, I got down from the Cab and Aaron paid for the cab.

I saw William standing in front of the Cabin's door. I went near William. 

Where are coming from? He asked. Aaron walked towards us.

Just hanging out with Aaron, I said and I smiled at him. 

I know once again I lied to him But if I explained what happened to me then I have to say about that Esher incident too, I'm not in a mood to explain everything. 

Oh really, When did you start to lie to me? He asked and cross folded his arms.

So you know where I'm coming from? I asked.

Yeah, I do, He said. 

Okay, I can explain, Listen, I said. 

No, you don't have to, Aaron can you please leave us alone? He raised his voice. Aaron went inside the cabin. 

I know, I lied to you, I'm sorry, I can explain, Can we just go inside and talk about this? I asked. 

I don't want any explanation and I don't want to talk to you hereafter, He said.

Why? I asked.

You don't know, what you did? You just hide everything from me and you're the person who said there is no secret in between friends but now you're hiding everything from me. I shared everything with you honestly, but You didn't, which means you didn't see me as a friend. Hiding is not a solution Rave. You just hide that your love for Aaron, I still don't know the reason why you have to hide it from me. And now again when I asked you where are you coming from, you just lied to me. Inside the cabin, everyone knows where are coming from and about yesterday's incident too. I'm afraid, what will happen to you. Everyone waited for you when Aaron left the cabin to search for you. You know what, It's been 6 hours since I waited for you on the front porch. He shouted.

I don't know how to react. I stayed silent for minutes.  

I can explain, I said. 

No, You don't have to, He said.

Everyone was worried about you, Get in, He said.

Hope you guys liked the chapter, Don't forget to Vote. 

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