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I was dazed when he dragged me. I stood in front of him silently. Rave, Aaron called my name and raised my chin, so that he could see my face. 

Can we talk? He asked. I just nodded my head. He dragged me to the empty room. I stayed silent.

Rave, Why are you ignoring me? I have never seen you like this, He said.

I just thought that I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I said.

You never made me uncomfortable, He said and pulled my hair softly and placed it behind my ear. He came near me. I stood silently. 

Rave, Look at me, He said. I saw his face. I don't know about you, But I still see you as a good friend, I will be there if you need anything, Can we be friends again? He asked.

Friend... But How can I see you as a friend, yet at least I get a chance to talk with him as a friend? I thought.

I took a deep breath. Yeah, Let's be friends again, I said and grin at him. He smiled gladly. Okay, Come on, It's time for class, He said.

Okay, I said. We both went to our class. Our teachers made every single student practice sincerely. When we finished our practice Miss Emilia entered the practice room. She clapped her hands. We all stood silent. 

Everyone practiced so hard. Well done, Now let me tell you the three battle methods, She said and started to explain.

Battle one- You will be facing your fears, She said. What fears? Jay raised the question. 

Everyone has fears, Right? In this battle, You have to defeat your fears. You will be paired with your partner. You both have different fears but you have to help each other to defeat their fears. Remember if even one of you failed to defeat your fears, you will be losing the battle. So try to face your fears with your partner, She explained. Okay, Batte one is going to be tough, I thought and I gazed over Aaron. What will be his fear? I asked myself. I have so many fears, So how I  am going to win the battle? I thought. Miss Emilia's voice dragged me back to the class.

Battle two-  In this battle, you will be paired. You have to defeat Cadmus, when she said Cadmus, We all stunned and stood quietly. Yeah, We know Cadmus is the powerful dragon, But you have to defeat it. You can use your powers. So this is your second battle, She explained.

Battle three- You will be facing your opponent team in the third battle. But don't worry you will not be paired this time. You have to be a team. The winning team will get points. And at last, out of 16 groups, only eight groups will be selected by their points. All the best for your tournament, She said and left the room.

William came near me. Rave, Are you okay? He asked with concern. Yeah, I'm fine, Why are you asking this suddenly, I asked him. 

Nothing, What happened between you and Aaron? He asked.

He wants me to be his friend like before, I said. Oh, He replied. Aaron walked towards me. 

Aaron is coming here, Maybe I should leave, William said and went back to Clever. When Aaron reached me, I asked, What is your fear?

Umm, Don't know, He said. I gave a wild look. Seriously, I don't know, Maybe losing my loved one will be my fear, He said. So he said loved one, Did he mention his Ex? Did he want his Ex back? But they broke up. Did he want to patch up with her? Or maybe he was mentioning his family, I thought.

I was deep in thought he waved his hand in front of my face. Rave? He asked with a muddled face. 

Oh, Yeah, I said and looked at his face. What are you thinking about? He asked.

About the tournament, I said. Later we went to our cabins. We had dinner together. Then I fell asleep. We practiced hard. We don't know how our days went. The week passed. Today was Monday a fresh day. 

Now We're getting ready for the ACC ceremony. I wore a Sapphire blue frock which has halter straps. It utterly fitted my waist, and flawlessly twirled above my knees. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so confident in this dress. After finishing my simple makeup. I went to open my room door. But before that Clever and April opened the door and got in. 

Clever wore Off-shoulder lavender gown, it twirled when she walked. The little flowers in her dress which is fitted in her waist looked so appealing. She looked like a princess.

April wore a Crimson red color gown, She looked as pretty as the picture.  

Rave, You look gorgeous, Clever said.

Not more than you, I said and glanced over her.

 April you look wow, I said. Thank you, She replied.

Well, Miss Clever, you dressed up like a princess, Who is your Prince? April asked. 

I don't know, I have to find him, She replied.

You don't have to search for a prince, He is already here, I teased her and winked at her.

She blushed. Later we went out of the room. Where boys suited up in the blazers. Aaron was in the same color as my dress. I was shocked, I swear it was a coincidence. Aaron suited up in the blue blazer, He looked neat and chipper. I couldn't take my eyes off him. William's voice dragged me back to reality. 

My gaze went over William. He outfitted himself with a grey blazer. He looked like a perfect man. Clever was standing beside me. William came towards us. 

Rave and Clever you both look stunning, William complimented us.

 Oh, Really, Do I look pretty more than Clever, I asked and winked at him.

The truth is Clever is prettier than you, William replied. Clever blushed. I know, I will leave you guys alone enjoy your time together, I said and left that place.

Noah came out of his room. He was suited up with a black suit, He looked almost flimsy. While I was glancing at Noah, Aaron came and stood beside me. 

Rave, Aaron called my name. My gaze went to Aaron. I looked at his eyes. His eyes looked so warm. I just can't take my eyes off. 

You look lovely in this dress, He said. I blushed. At the same time, Don't give me hope Aaron, I thought.

I want to dance with you? I muttered. 

Rave, I can't hear you, Aaron said.

Will you dance with me? I repeated. He stood silent for a second. I mean I asked you as a friend, If you don't want to just leave it, I explained.

Rave, I know you, You don't want to explain this, I would love to dance with you for sure,  He said. I grin at him. 

Guys, Come on let's go, It's almost 5 pm now, Noah said.

Okay, Aaron said and hold my hand. I just gazed over him, He was totally different today, I thought. We reached Chamber. The Chamber was huge, The hall was filled with Helium balloons, Colorful lights, Foods. Ribbons were tied up in the ceiling. Awesome Decorations for a large hall with high ceilings. The students from other colleges were also present there. Everyone was waiting for Professor Dumont. I stood alone because Aaron went to check out something. William was having fun with Clever. They both looked cute together. Noah and April went to have fun. I was standing alone now. I just started to wander around the chamber. While wandering someone grabbed my hand. I turned back to see who it is. 

Yeah, It's Aaron. Where are you going? He asked.

Just wandering around, I replied.

Okay then, Let's wander together, He said.

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