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 I tried to grab his hand but he was too fast. Tears were already flowing down my cheeks. I'm hurt now. This is why Lisa always says don't fall in love with anyone, I thought. I cried for a long time. I thought Aaron will come and console me. But he didn't. It made me cry even more. But I don't hate him even after this. As I said, I'm gonna wait for him. No matter what he says, I don't care. Because a part of me was saying that he will love me too. After that, I went to my room and drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning I woke up with sore eyes because I cried overnight. I got freshened up and wore something comfortable. Seriously I'm not in the mood to go to College. I don't know how I'm going to face Aaron now. But still, I have to go. One thing I'm sure about is I'm not gonna beg. I'll wait for him for sure. 

I came out of my room. I didn't find Aaron in the hall. Thank God, I thought.

Hey Rave, Come and have breakfast, April said. 

Okay, I said. When I was having breakfast Aaron came out of his room. 

Come join us, William said.

 Oh god!! The only seat left empty is next to me WHY!??. I'm not used to this kind of awkward situation. 

Aaron sat next to me. He was uncomfortable too. I don't want to make him uncomfortable. So I got up.

 Hey Rave you didn't finish your breakfast, said Clever. 

I'm full now. I'll get going, I said. 

When I was heading out William came with me.

 What happened? William asked.

 What? Nothing, I said. It's not I'm lying. I'm not in the mood to explain. 

Can you please explain what happened last night after you confessed your love for him? William asked. 

Now I have to tell. I don't have any other choice though. 

He rejected me saying that he doesn't feel same as me, I said. I'm in the urge to cry now. SERIOUSLY RAVE!. You cried the whole night still you have tears left, I thought.

 Suddenly William put his hand over my shoulder. I came out of my thoughts and wiped my tears away. Don't cry my little cupcake, William said. After hearing that nickname I smiled a bit. William is a great friend I will ever get, I thought.


I feel sorry for her. Just by looking at her eyes, I can say she is very much hurt by this. I feel bad for cheering her up. If I didn't do that last night she will be happy right now. She deserves happiness. 


William was thinking something deeply. So I waved my hand in front of his face. He came out of his thought and smiled at me. Hey Rave, William said. 

Yes, I said. 

Sorry Rave, If I didn't cheer you last night this wouldn't have happened. I'm really sorry, William apologized. 

His eyes were pathetic. 

Nonono, it's not like what you are thinking William. I'm thankful for what you did. If you didn't cheer me last night, I would have lived like a fool by thinking that he loves me too. I'm thankful to you, I said. 

William hugged me. I cried hard in his hug. 

It's Okay, Rave, Everything will change, He said.

Sorry, I'm making you sad too, I said and released myself from his hug and wiped my tears, and gave a sore look.

Rave, He said and raised my face with his hand. He holds my face with his both hand. He gave a warm look. 

It's okay to cry when you're low But remember everything will change one day. I will be with you, My dear little cupcake.

I grinned at him. Thank you, I'm so lucky to have you as a friend, I said. He smiled at me.

Then we started to walk. 

Um, When you're gonna propose Clever? I asked. He stayed silent. So you're afraid as me? I asked.

Yeahhhhhh, He replied. 

But I think Clever has a crush on you too, I said and pinched his arm.

What makes you say that? He asked.

Just gotta some kind of vibe around her, I replied.

I wish that she will accept my proposal, He said and paused for a moment, I'm gonna propose to her next week, He added.

Oh really? I asked. 

Yeah, Next week we are having our ACC ceremony, So we will be having a party, After the party, I'm gonna confess my love, He said.

Oh, That's Awesome, I said and winked at him.

After that, we went to college.  Today was Mr.Olive's Class. 

The classes were not that interesting. I was annoyed by that. To add fuel to it Aaron was avoiding me the whole day. WHY GOD!???.WHY ME!!!!!

William was there for me the whole day. Thanks to him. Suddenly Miss Emilia entered the class. Mr.Olive left the classroom. 

Sorry to interrupt, Students you will be having our first tournament next week, After our ACC Ceremony, So get prepared well, She said. We all are astonished by what she said. 

But Miss Emilia you said that we will be having our Tournament at the end of November, Jay asked.

Yeah, We said but Demons are attacking every part of the Red Planet and Demon's Master was also Reborn, So we have to choose the team so quickly and wisely. And You guys will just be having 3 months for the Second tournament after the first tournament, So I hope you understand the situation and cooperate with us. 

So are you saying that we won't be allowed to meet our parents, William asked?

Yeah, Your parents are at Planet earth so, She paused for a moment, You don't have any holidays after our tournament, She added.

Really, I can't even see my sister, This made me sad even more.

 Okay, now I'm going to pair up, Miss Emilia said. 

I don't know why this pairing is happening, I thought.

William and Clever. April and Noah. Skye and Jay and lastly ME AND AARON...


That's it, you can't change. You will be participating in this tournament with your pair. You guys will have three challenges and only in the third round, you will be facing your opposite team as a team. Until that everyone will be playing with your pair. If you have any doubt you can come and ask me, She said and went out of the classroom.

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