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The next morning:

I dressed up and got ready for college. Are you ready? William yelled behind my door. I rushed towards the door and opened it.

Yup, I'm ready, I replied. At the same time, Aaron crossed me. 

Come on, Let's have our breakfast, William said. I nodded while looking at Aaron and we went to the dining table. And we took our respective seats. We already decorated the Christmas tree which was placed in our main hall. I was thinking about the last Christmas that I've celebrated with my sister Lisa. We celebrated every Christmas together but now I've to celebrate without her. I miss her. Since we were busy with our tournaments, I haven't written a letter to her like about months. She understood me and stopped sending her letter. The last letter from her was mentioning that " I know you will be busy with your tournaments, Do concentrate on it. You don't have to reply to me. Miss you" I was pondering. I forgot that I came here to eat. 

Rave, Eat, William's voice reached my ears. I blinked and started to eat. 

So Christmas is nearing, We should buy the gifts for our loved ones, April said.

Yeah, We have to, Aaron replied while eating his food. April smiled at him. Aaron grin at her too. To be honest, I was quite jealous. He didn't give me a look but he is smiling at her, I thought. What about games? Clever asked while playing with her food.

Yeah, We should definitely play games, Noah said. 

So what kind of games? I asked and gazed at Aaron. Luckily he gazed at me too. I smiled. He gave a small grin. 

What about a treasure hunt? William asked and sipped his juice. That's a good one, April agreed.

So explain the process of the game, Clever asked and pinched William's cheek. William cleared his throat.

Everyone should buy only one gift for this game. Hide your gift and write your clues on the paper about where you kept it. And if you write five clues. The first clue must represent where the second clue was. And the same procedure for another two clues. Finally, your fifth clue will represent the gift you have hidden. No one knows where it is hidden. So yup, Choose the person to whom you bought a gift. And let them search and find it, William explained.

Sounds interesting, I said and smiled at him. And you can buy gifts apart from the game, but in the game, you should choose one person to give your gift, William added.

Everyone agreed. When Aaron finishes his food, He stood up walked away from the place. Noah and April accompanied him. 

Later, We all went to our class. Today was Mr. Olive's class. Unfortunately, group-7 got eliminated in the second tournament. So their places were left unoccupied. 

I took a seat. I turned back to see if Aaron was doing good. Aaron and April were sitting together. I'm possessive right now. I can't see him with other girls. So I got up from the place and walked towards them. And stood in front of them like a mad girl. 

April and Aaron gazed at me weirdly. 

April, If you don't mind, Can I sit here? I asked. Aaron gave a muddled look. April nodded and went to sit near Noah. I sat next to Aaron.

What are you doing? Aaron asked.

I just wanna sit next to you, I said and gazed at him. 

But, Rave, You accepted the deal that we made yesterday, He said and met my eyes.

Yeah, I did, But I can't stay away from you, It's okay even if you hurt me, I said.

Are you mad? He asked and raised his eyebrows.

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