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The Next morning came, it was so warm last night, I thought.When I opened my eyes I saw myself resting my head on Aaron's shoulder!

Wow. That's why it is warm.

He is so cute even in his sleep. His messed-up hair makes him even cuter. Suddenly yesterday's event's crossed my mind and I shouted. By that sound, Aaron woke up.

Oh my god!! How stupid I am.

Hey! What happened? Rave, Aaron asked.

Nothing Aaron just had a thought about yesterday, I said.

Don't worry Rave everything will be alright. Get ready we are going now, Aaron said.

Where? I asked.

You'll see, Aaron said.He got out of my room.I got out of my bed to get ready.I weared something different then my style today to hide my wrist and neck.When I was finished and got out of my room Aaron was already sitting in the sofa waiting for me.Hey Aaron, I said.

Yes, Can we get going now? Aaron asked.

Yes, I said.

We're going together now.Nonono it's not what you guys are thinking we are not holding hands.I wish I was though.What am I even thinking in this type of situation, I thought.

Where are you going? Noah asked.

We are going to the library, Aaron said.

Oh okay, Come back soon guys, Noah said. After that, we went out of the cabin.

We kept on walking for twenty-five minutes. We reached a place that was not that crowded.There is a building which looks like a house. We get inside there.We were greeted with silence.I tucked my hand on Aaron's T-shirt because I'm afraid.

No need to be afraid Rave.It is safe here, Aaron said.

Okay, I said. We got into a room there is a witch sitting in the room. She glanced at Aaron first then at me. Come sit here, Witch said. I glanced at Aaron.

Go and sit there I'm here nothing will happen to you,Aaron said.

I'm blushing even in this situation. SERIOUSLY!!!. I sat in front of her.

I'm Rave Cardin, I said.

Yeah I know, Aaron told me last night, Witch said.

Oh Okay, I said and shrugged.

Explain what happened Rave, she said.

I explained everything. Then she made me lie on the bed and cast some spells on me. After some time I'm floating in air but I was not afraid. It was amazing.

I've been floating in the air for about 20 minutes. The yellow color magic rope started to whirling around my body. There was a bright glow appeared when the witch started to enchant the spells. She chants every spell louder. At once, the chants are stopped. She stayed silent for about 5 minutes. I'm still floating in the air. When she opened her eyes, The magic rope released itself from my body. Suddenly I dragged downward, before I hit the bed Aaron caught me.

Are you okay? he asked.

Yes, I'm, I said.

Both, Meet me at my room, Witch said. We both left that room and went to the witch room. We both sat in front of her.

I made a shield for you. Don't ever go near the Esher, she said.Okay

Thank you, I said. She didn't reply anything. To be honest, I was a bit annoyed by her character though.

Aaron, I want to talk to you about something, she said. To give them privacy I got out of the room and sat in the hall. I'm not someone who likes to eavesdrop though.

Meanwhile, in the witch room.

Witch: How are you? It's been a while.

Aaron: I'm fine. He shrugged.

Witch: You've grown a lot. She smiled at him.

Aaron: Yes I'm, Just tell me the matter please I have got a lot of work to do.

Witch: Oh Boy, Please don't fall in love with Rave.

He gave a muddled look.

Aaron: Okay, Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?

Witch: Nothing.

Aaron: Well, I may leave now, Thank you for your help.

Witch: It's my pleasure to help you.

Aaron came out of the room.

Hey, Can we get going? he asked.

Yeah, I said and smiled at him.

And, Thank you for your help, You saved my life, I said and gave a quick glance to him.

No need to thank me, I'm your friend, He said.

Okay, then, I said.

Hereafter, Be careful, When you forget the path just call me okay, He said.

Yeah, Sure I will, I said.

When we reach our cabin, Clever came towards me.

Where you guys have been? She asked.

We just went to the library, I said.

Oh, Okay come on let's have lunch together, she said.

Okay, I said.

After we had lunch together, Aaron, William, and Clever started to watch a movie. It's 3 pm. I have work on Pop's, so I should be going.

When I came out of my cabin, Aaron came out too.

Will you able to go alone? he asked. Honestly, I wanted him to with me but he had been with me so long, Let him take a rest, I thought

No, I will manage, You Take rest, I said and smiled at him.

Okay, He said.

After finishing my work at Pop's I returned to my cabin. Guys I don't want dinner, I'm totally exhausted today, I just want to sleep, I said.

After that, I went to my bed. The care that Aaron showed me today was unforgettable, Everyday I'm getting a reason to fall in love with him. He took care of me like a baby. I've never expected this care from him, It was just awesome. I want this care and love each and every day. While thinking about that I slept.

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