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Yesterday was my best and worst bad day. I had a perfect start to my birthday but ended up with the worst birthday. I don't know how many of them will have the birthday as I had yesterday. Last night I cried as much I can. The words that Aaron uttered to me were alarming in my mind constantly. I can't sleep. I wish last night was the worst nightmare. Everything that happened last night was completely broken me into pieces. I can't have him or I can't love him, these stupid thoughts were tied up in my mind. Maybe Aaron has the courage to stop loving me or to forget me but I can't even think about that. I can't stop loving him. It's not easy to forget him. How can I forget those warm eyes and saccharine smiles? While thinking about that my eyes were flooded with tears.      

The next morning, I woke up with sore eyes. My alarm went off and I woke up super late. I heard a knock on my door and I pushed myself from the bed and opened the door. Will was standing in front of me. He was well dressed. 

Are we going somewhere? I asked as I yawned. Muffin, I told you yesterday. We are going to theris today. This is the order from the committee, He said as I allowed him into my room. But, I didn't pack my things though, I replied when he sat on my bed. Hurry up, He said. 

I have to take a shower, I said, pulled my dress from the wardrobe, and went inside my bathroom. When I'm done, I stepped into my room. Will was scrolling something on his phone. Do you miss Clever? I asked as I sat next to him. Of course, I do. But It has just been one day. I will meet her soon. Now pack your things up, He said and his gaze stuck to his phone. 

Give me some time I will pack everything, I said and walked towards my wardrobe. He nodded. I pulled a bag and placed it on my bed.

Aaron will come, right? I asked as I placed my clothes in my bag. Muffin, He said. I smiled. I know I have been torturing him after my breakup. I asked that question to him almost 1000 times. Being a friend with a love failure person was the worst thing, I thought and I walked towards my studying table. I grabbed my photos and some letters from the table. I placed those in my bag. I saw a grey letter which was given by the Whistler earlier. I took that letter and opened it. 

What was that? Will asked. I didn't give him a reply. I started to read that letter aloud. 

The person who loves you most and cares for you will be dead. And you will be the reason for their death. Remember this will happen soon. If you give your power bead to me, No one will be hurt because of you. It's your fate. You're cursed for that. And no one can change it. Your parents died because of you and you're gonna kill your loved one or they will die for you. You're that chosen one and I'm coming for you, Miss Rave Cardin. See you soon. -By Whistler.

 I read as it is in the letter. Will's face was in shock. Even I'm in shock. 

Muffin? What the hell was that? Will asked and stood from his place. This is the letter from Whistler, I announced. His eyes widen. Whistler? He asked again. I nodded. What does he want? He asked and grabbed the letter from me. He read that again and gave me a muddled gaze. Is he threatening you? He asked. Don't know. He wants power bead from me, I answered. And the person who cares for me and loves me the most will be dead because of me, I said as my eyes are urging me to cry. I can feel the pain in my throat because I've been holding my tears long. 

Muffin, No one is gonna die. Okay? He asked while he saw my worried face. I nodded. What if Aaron dies for me? I asked. Muffin, I said No one is gonna die. Okay? He asked me again. Come on, the Whistler will do anything to get that bead from me. And he says that it's my fate, I said and my single tear rolled down my cheek. I won't let anything happen to you or Aaron. Okay? He asked as his eyes are twinkling. I don't want Aaron to die for me, I said as my voice broke. Muffin? He called and tilted my head. Suddenly my room door opened wide. A lady with dark brunette hair entered my room without permission. She was wearing specs and her hand was holding notes. She looked almost 35. A little wrinkle near her eyes confirmed her age. 

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