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What happened to you? Are you okay? Aaron asked.

Nothing I'm good, I said. He came towards me and sat beside me. 

I know something you're hiding, your face shows it, Tell me what happened if you trust me? He asked.

Okay, listen I trust you, I will tell you what happened but promise me that you won't tell this anyone, I said and glanced at him. 

Okay fine, I promise, He said. I showed my wrist mark to him. 

What is this? he asked and gave a muddled look. 

I don't know, I went to Esher's street and this happened. I said.

Wait, What? Why did you go there? He asked. 

There was an accident so the policemen asked us to take another path. I left my map at home. I don't know which path to take. So I randomly took a path and walked inside that street, I swear I didn't know that path leads to the Esher's. I said.

Okay, then what happened? he asked.

I explained briefly what happened there. And I said how scared I was.

Are you okay now? He asked.

Yeah, a little bit, I said and turned my face and stare at him. He touched the mark on my wrist. 

Ouch, I expressed and gave him a sore look.

I'm sorry, he said.

It's okay, I said.

So you are in trouble? He asked.

Yes, I don't know what to do, I said. 

I will help you, he said.

Really, But how? I asked.

I know someone who can help you, he said and stare at me.

Oh, I said. 

Okay, Just forget this terrible experience, come and eat dinner with us, he said. 

No, I'm not hungry, I said.

Really? He asked.

Yes, I said. 

Okay then, Look don't think about that, Have a good sleep, And get ready at 9:30 tomorrow, He said and gave me warm look.

Okay, I said. Good night, he said and left my room. I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about the incident that happened to me today. I don't want to think about it but my stupid mind doesn't allow me. I tried to think of something else. Finally, I slept. 

In the middle of the night, I heard some strange noise on the back porch. I pushed myself from my bed and started to walk towards the window to see who it is, A demon was standing near the tree which in my back porch. My whole body is shivering. It started to walk. I went back and tried to open my room door. But It wasn't opening. I don't know what to do. The demon opened the window and came inside, It started to walk towards me. It came close to me. And raised my chin so that it could see my face. I closed my eyes tightly. I was standing in front of it and resting my head on my room door.

Open your eyes or you will be dead, It said.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw it. The Demon almost looks like a human, it has scars on the face. It was holding one axe which has blood in it. I'm scared. I'm almost half dead. 

So, You're Rave Cardin, It said.

I nodded my head with fear. 

You're next, it said and started to laugh. Suddenly it stopped laughing. I'm frightened and at the same time, I'm muddled. It grabbed my neck and started to spell magical words. It hurts my whole body, I screamed loudly. Suddenly I felt some relief. It disappeared. But I was on my bed now I don't know how I came here, My friends opened my room door and rushed towards me.

Oh My God, Rave Why did you screamed like that? Clever asked. 

Nothing, I had a bad dream, I said. I'm sweating. Noah came up with a glass of water and handed it to me. I drank fully. 

Can you sleep alone or Can I accompany you? April asked. 

No, I'm fine You guys can go and sleep, I said. 

But seriously I need someone to stay with me because I'm afraid. 

Okay, they said and went to their rooms. A few minutes later, Aaron came inside and sat beside me.

I know you didn't have a bad dream tell me what happened? He asked. 

I started to explain. Suddenly he gently pulled my hair which is brushing on my neck. 

What? I asked and gave him a bewildered look.

There is an X-mark on your neck, He said. I pushed myself out of the bed and went to the mirror and saw my neck. Yes, there is a mark, I said.

I'm scared, I said with tearful eyes.

He came towards me and kept his both hands on my cheek.

Don't be scared, I'm with you, We will solve this together, He said.

Yeah, I know, I said. 

Come on let's watch some movies to distract your thoughts he said. 

We both started to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie, I slept on his shoulder.

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