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We all settled in our separate rooms after finishing our breakfast. I want to go there because I want to make sure that Aaron will be alright, I thought while glancing at the balcony. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door, I walked and opened the door. I saw Matterson there. The guard was still standing in the same position stiff and still as I saw them last night. 

Rave, Shall we go? She asked by holding a paper in her hand. We can't let her go, The taller guard said. I know, That's why I got approval from the committee, She said with a wide smile on her face. She showed them the approval from the committee and the guards left us alone. 

Shall we? She asked. I nodded. We walked into the lobby. How did you get that approval? I asked as we took the stairs. I drugged Mr.Dumont and made him fell asleep for a day, She said as we got down from the stairs. What? I asked muddled.

Yeah, I did. I know he won't accept this so I did it, She said with a smile. Did you do that for me? I asked. Yes, I did. If you didn't come. How can you find the soul bead? She asked. Soul bead? I asked. 

Yeah, After Aaron's therapy you should go and search for the soul bead, She said. Okay, But you're not sure about where the soul bead is right? I asked. 

Yes, I'm not. But I researched for about years and found three places. Maybe the soul bead can be found there, She explained. 

I nodded. You have the power to break the gate of these three places, She said. Me? I asked. Yes, You have, She said. I nodded. We reached the entrance of the palace. So you've to drug Mr.Dumont until I find the bead, I said and gazed at her. Yes, I have to. But Don't worry he can't find it that he was drugged. Since he was old, I will brainwash him that he has a problem with his brain, She said with a giggle. Yeah, Old people forget a lot, I approved.

When we reached our car Will reached us. Will glanced at me differently. Why are you looking at me like that? I asked as I got inside the car. No, Nothing, He responded and sat next to me. Miss Matterson was in the driver's seat. Noah sat in the front seat.

Did Will know everything that you told me earlier? I asked as she started the car. Yes, He knew, She answered. She drove the car. We didn't stop until we reach the Humira. When stopped the car I stepped out from the car. I saw an old domicile. The walls of the building were filled with greeny creepers. 

Rave, Come on, Noah said as he started to walk inside the building. Will walked behind Noah. I followed them. We entered the main vast hall. The Chandelier was hung in the ceiling in a decorative way. 

Miss Cardin, We have to move upstairs, Miss Matterson said as I enjoyed the hall. I nodded. Then We moved upstairs. We got into the room where Aaron was present. I saw Aaron before he notices me. I stepped back when Will ran towards him and embraced Aaron. He was still wearing his Metal-grade tape on his head and his palms were covered with a white cloth. But this time I didn't notice or found the bloodstain on his forehead. 

When Aaron's eyes finally met mine, He gazed at me. Why she was here? Aaron asked as his voice was sore. I want to make sure that you are okay, I replied. No, You don't have to do that for me, he said and gazed at me. Everyone stood silent. You know that everything that happened between us was over, He said as his voice was enraging. I know. I'm not here to say that I want you or to express I still love you. I just came here with Miss Matterson and she asked me to find the soul bead. And I know everything was over between us, I paused as my voice broke when I said that. I wiped my tears which were rolling down my cheek. Miss Matterson, wants to know the information about What the Whistler was up to? If she finds the information then I can search the soul bead so that I can assume the time left to search the soul bead, I added. 

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