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We did our best in the battle. So our team was selected by the committee along with 7 groups. The days passed like a quick storm. The second battle was also conducted by the same procedure as we followed in the first battle. The second battle was so tough. We did our best. Fortunately, our team was also selected for the final battle along with three teams. 

Now, I'm lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling. I was reminiscing the delightful memories with him. These three months were like heaven for me. I and Aaron had so many beautiful memories together. We had cute little fights, But he never let me go. He cared for me more than I do. And most importantly his demon's effect or sign doesn't show up yet. 

While thinking about that someone opened my room door slowly. I got up and sat on my bed. When the door was wide open, Aaron entered my room.

Good morning babe, He said with a sweet tone and sat next to me. 

Good morning, I said with a sleepy husky tone. I yawned. It's snowing, Aaron said. 

Well, It's December here, It must be probably snowing, I thought.

Mm, Mm, I muttered with a soft tone. I was so sleepy. I can't even look at his fresh and handsome face. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around me. 

You sleepy head, Wake up, It's 10 in the morning, He said and shook me. 

Yeah, I know, Let me sleep, I love to sleep in the frosty weather, It was so comfortable, I muttered and rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 


When she rested her head on my shoulder, I slowly made her lie on her bed. Her angelic face turned towards me. I gradually sat next to her. I pulled her uncombed stringy blonde hair slowly which was brushing her cheek. I placed it behind her ear. She gave a cute little movement on her face. 

Damn, How can someone be this cute while sleeping? I asked myself and caressed her hair. She looks so cute while sleeping, Maybe I should capture a picture of her, I thought and grabbed my phone from the pocket. And I captured her cute little angelic face. Suddenly a dark thought showed up. 

Yeah, It was a sign of a half-demon who was inside me. Oh God, No, Not again, I don't wanna hurt her, I thought. I was struggling inside my head. I got up and started to walk here and there in the same room. My eyes started to visualize that I was trying to kill Rave. Even though it is not true, It was just a visualization. But I screamed loudly. 

No, I screamed and held my both hand on my head. I knelt down. Rave woke up and rushed towards me. 

Oh My God, What happened? Aaron, Look at me please, She said. I couldn't gaze at her. My visualization was seemed so powerful. I was trying to kill my beloved girlfriend in my visualization. I can hear her worried voice, but I couldn't turn back to reality. 

Runaway from me, Rave, Please, I don't wanna kill you, I yelled. 

Aaron, Please look at me, It's okay, her soft and worried tone reached my ears. William and Noah put me on the bed. I closed my eyes.


It was so tough to control him after he was visualizing those things. It may be a sign of a demon. Now he was sleeping peacefully. I was afraid of losing him. We need to take care of this Half-Demon thing more seriously. I want to meet his father and have to find a solution for it, I thought.

Suddenly, He woke up and sat next to me. 

Aaron, Are you Okay now? I asked and gazed at his face for his answer. He just nodded. I hugged him fondly. But he doesn't give any kind of reaction. His hands didn't hug me back. I broke the hug and sat opposite him. He sat silently. 

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