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When I saw Lisa standing in front of me, I burst into tears. I hopped onto her and hugged her softheartedly. Tears rolled down my cheeks endlessly. How did you come here? I asked while hugging her. I asked the committee members to create the hole for me, She said and caressed my hair. I could feel her crying while hugging me. Then we broke the hug. I glanced at her.

You lost a lot of weight. You look pale and thin, Rave, Lisa said and held her handbag on her shoulder. I just smiled don't know what to answer. Welcome to my well-comforted lovely cabin, I invited. She smiled and stepped inside the cabin. Will stood up and walked towards us first. And everyone followed him.

Rave, Is this your sister? Clever asked in surprise. I nodded. Clever greeted her fondly. Aaron came towards us and greeted my sister. Then his gaze turned towards me and smiled at me.

You're Aaron, right? Lisa asked. Yes, Aaron replied like he was confused. She mentioned you a lot in the letter, Lisa said and gave agrin. Aaron smiled back. Where is Will? She asked. And Will stepped in front. Thank you for checking her up for me, Lisa said. I will always do that, Will replied fondly. Do you guys know each other? I asked and raised my eyebrows.

Yes, I want someone to check you up. So I asked the committee to give the list of your group and fortunately, you mentioned Will in every letter. So I wrote him a letter lately to check you up, Lisa explained. Will, you didn't mention anything about it? I asked and gave a wild look. Sorry, Rave, I promised your sister that I won't tell you, Will apologized. Before I gave a reaction to Will, April dragged us to the couch. We all settled and chatted for about two hours. I worried that what happen if Lisa finds the X-mark on my neck. So I pulled my hair front and covered the mark.

It's 12:50 pm, I'm hungry, Clever said. I'm hungry too, Noah said. Okay, I will cook then, Aaron said and stood up from his place. You both continue your lovely sister's conversation, I'll cook for us, Aaron said. Aww, You know how to cook? Lisa asked. Lis, He will cook better than us, I teased her. She smiled and Aaron's gaze met mine. I smiled at him. Then Lis and I went to my room. She walked towards my studying desk, and she took the picture of us which was kept on the table. We both were happy in this picture, she expressed. I smiled and nodded. She opened the drawer of my desk and pulled the letter. Shit, I forgot about this. This letter is from Whistler. I didn't even open it till now. I kept it in the drawer yesterday and I totally forgot about it. She doesn't know about anything like What I'm going through now? and I don't want to expose these things to her. If she knows about this, She will worry about me more. I don't want to worry her, I thought while my sister was busy opening the letter. I grabbed the letter. What? She asked with a muddled face. It's nothing, It was just..uh..the draft I wrote for you before, I lied. Then, I will read it, She said. No, I was nothing, I said and glanced at her.

Why are you behaving oddly? She asked. Did I? I asked and laughed weirdly. She nodded. Well, You forgot one thing, I said and glanced at her. Luckily changed the topic. Forgot what? she asked. To wish me, I said and smiled.

Oh My God, Yes, Happy birthday, She wished. Thank you, I replied. I just came here to wish you and spend some quality time with you, She said and hugged me. I giggled and said, "I know".

I have something for you, She said and walked towards her handbag. I placed the letter in the drawer. She grabbed a box from her bag. Happy Birthday, sweetie, She wished as she handed over the gift to me. I opened it while I sat on my bed. I found a dazzlingly cyan color gown. It has an off-shoulder and it has little white flowers which will come around my waist.

It looks so elegant, I said while smiling at her. I know, That's why I brought it for you, She said. Thank you, Lisa, I said and hugged her tenderly. Give it a try, Lis said and glanced at my neck. Yeah, I will, I said. Suddenly she pushed my hair aside which was covering my neck scar. What happened? She asked while glancing at my little neck mark. It's nothing, It happened at the battle, I lied again. Ohh, Sweetie, You don't have to hurt yourself, She said in a sore tone. It happened accidentally, I said and saw her worried face. But, before she started to speak more. I shut her by asking "How was your life on earth?" It's good, She replied with a happy tone. I got a boyfriend, She dropped the good news in my ears. What? I asked in surprise. Yes, His name was Ryan, she informed. Then? I asked and held her hand. She gazed at my enlivened face. He was so protective Rave. He takes care of me so well. And He was the first one to confess his love for me, She paused. And? I asked, waited for her to continue the story. That's it, Enough, She blushed. Omg, My sister is blushing. She was in love, I screamed in happiness. She shut, my mouth before anyone could hear. I giggled. So Is he mortal? I asked. Nope, He was an immortal too, She said with a blush. I'm happy for you, I said. She smiled. Can I tell her about Aaron? About our love? How did I fall in love with him? I thought while gazing at her. What's that? She asked as she pointed her index finger at my neck. She was pointing to the necklace that Aaron gave me. Ohh, This one, I said and gazed at her.

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