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I drifted off by sleep while looking at Aaron's innocent sleeping face. While sleeping I heard some mild music in my room. I opened my eyes slowly and my hands are searching for my phone. When I found my phone under my pillow, I dragged the phone with my hand and opened it. I glanced at the phone. Shit, it was just 12 am in the night. Who plays a song at midnight? I thought in frustration. My gaze went to the floor to check Aaron was still there or not. To my surprise, He wasn't there. Maybe he was uncomfortable lying on the floor, I thought. 

Out of the blue, My room door opened slowly. My mind automatically started to recapture the incident that happened last night. 

Who is there? I asked horrifiedly. The door wide opened. I landed barefoot on the floor and while looking at the floor I found a pillow and blanket which I gave to Aaron. 

Aaron entered the room with a cake. Aaron, you scared the shit out of me, I said in a scared tone. Babe, I didn't mean to scare you, He paused. I gazed at the cake which he brought. Happy Birthday, babe, He wished. Yeah, It was my birthday, December 27th was my birthday, I thought. 

Thank you, I said and smiled at him. Aaron walked towards me by holding a cake in his hand. He made to sit on my bed and placed the cake between us. He lit up the candle. I saw his brighter suave face in the candlelight, his eyes were twinkling like a star, I really loved his presence on my birthday like this. His gaze met mine. Cut the cake, He muttered slowly but it was enough to hear. As he sang the birthday song for me with his sweet voice, I cut the cake into pieces. He gave a pleasant smile. He came closer. I have a birthday letter for you, He whispered in my ears. Letter? I asked in joy. Yes, I wrote a letter to you. Do you want me to read it? He asked lovingly. How could I deny it? I said while smiling. Okay, go on, read the letter, I said and glanced at him.  He sat opposite me. He cleared his throat and pulled a folded paper from his pocket.

To my loving girlfriend Rave, He started it with a giggle. I sat quietly. I placed a pillow on my lap and held my cheek in one hand and my other hand was busy holding his hand. 

To my loving girlfriend Rave, 

                                        When I first met you, I never thought that you will be this important to my life. You really deserve more love.  I will give all of my love to you until I die. I will hold you in my arms when you cry, I promise. I will take you to places where you have never been. I will watch you sleep while I'm awake. I love to irritate you. I love to make you angry, You really look cute when you're mad at me. When I told you my past, you totally understood me and chose to stay with me even though you haven't sure about the half-demon thing. I'm really lucky to have you in my life. Once you said that to me "You have never seen such dark eyes with so much light in them" Do you know what? You're my light, I want you to be my light to my entire life, He said while his voice cracked emotionally. 

Tears rolled over my cheek. I gazed at his eyes. His eyes were too urging him to cry. I couldn't help but smiled. Wait the letter wasn't over, He said with a grin on his lips. I nodded and wiped my tears.

And I can't wait to spend time with you as we did earlier. This half-demon thing sucks. But I know you will wait for me for about a decade, He joked. I smiled and held his hand tightly as I never want him to go. 

Don't worry, I will be pure immortal before the new year. I Love you always, He expressed. Seriously, I will fill the room with tears. He will be immortal before the new year, This is the best gift he could ever give me, I thought. He saw my glittery teary eyes. He came closer and sat next to me. He gently laid his hand over my shoulder. I rested my head on his chest. Do you like the letter? He asked. I tilted my head up and gazed at his ravishing face. I loved it, I said and left a peck on his cheek. He smiled. Yeah, The two young souls are crazily being in love. I've never experienced this much love from anyone, other than my sister. But he was the first one to provide all of his love to me. We both love each other madly. I don't want to leave him and I want to spend my entire life with him, I thought while he held me in his arms.

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