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I stayed silent for a minute. Don't know how to react. Noah waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked my eyes. 

I asked, you a question? Noah said.

Yeah I know, I said. When I opened my mouth to answer, Suddenly got a call from an unknown number. 

I have to attend it, I said. I took my phone. 

Hello? Can I know who is this? I asked.

Hello Mam, I'm a police officer from Hezra,  I'm talking from the Shop near Pops, Mr.Olive had an accident.  He saved your number as daughter so I called you, Can you please come to the PCM hospital immediately? He asked.

What? Accident, Okay I will be there Sir, I said and cut the phone. Everyone asked what happened. 

Mr.Olive met an accident, I have to go now, I said and ran towards the door. I opened the door and went outside.

Rave, Wait I'll come with you, Aaron shouted from the back. I stopped running and turned back to him. When he reached me, We took the cab and went to the hospital.

I entered the hospital, I walked straight towards the hospital receptionist. 

Excuse me, Can you please tell me the room number of Mr.Olive, He is admitted here, I said. Aaron stood beside me.  

Yes, Mam, Wait for a minute, she said and started to search the room number on the computer.

While waiting, I turned towards Aaron.  Don't worry, He will be alright, He said by looking at my sad face.

Yeah, I hope, I said.

The hospital receptionist called me, I turned towards.

His room number was 18, she said.

Okay, Thank you, I said and ran to room number 18. When I reached, the doctor came out of the room. He was holding one X-ray and some sheets in his hands. I went near to the doctor.

Doctor, Is he alright? I asked and looking at his face for his reply.

You are? He asked.

I'm Rave, I'm like his daughter, I replied.

Oh, Nothing to worry about, He is fine, He has a little fracture in his left leg, If he takes a rest for 8 weeks will be fine. Take good care of him, He said. 

Sure, I said. And went inside his room. Aaron followed me. There was a policeman standing beside Mr.Olive. I went near to him and thanked him for taking Mr.Olive to the hospital.

Later he went outside, I took the seat. 

How are you now? I asked Mr.Olive.

I'm good now, My dear, Nothing to worry about, He said.

You have to take a rest for two months, Okay, I will buy you an ice cream cake every day and deliver it to you, I said and smiled at him.

Okay, Who is this? he asked by looking at Aaron.

He is my friend, Aaron, I already told you about him, I said. 

Yeah, the good handsome boy, he said and teased me.

Mr.Olive, I said and gave him a look.

Okay, It's time to sleep, I will inform Mrs.Olive, You take a rest, I will be here with you tonight, I said. 

Okay, My dear, He said.

And went out the room, I called Mrs.Olive. And said news about the accident. After that Aaron and I started to walk in the hospital's veranda.

Aaron, You go to the cabin, I will stay here tonight, I said.

No, It's okay, I will stay here with you, I don't want to leave you alone, He said.

Thank you, I said and grin at him.

He smiled back. So why did you broke up? I asked him. He gave a sad smile.

If don't want to talk about that then leave it, I won't force you, I said.

We had so many fights, but we managed to solve that,  but once the fight got bigger, We couldn't manage, Lot of misunderstandings, Lot of possessiveness, I couldn't hold on to this, We decided to break up, he said.

Oh, I'm sorry, I brought you to a sad mood, I said and hold his hand while walking.

No, It's okay, Actually, it feels so good to have someone to share, He said and hold my hand tightly.

Later, Mrs.Olive came.

Is he Alright? She asked.

He is fine now, You can visit him now,  He is in the room, I said.

She went inside the room. A few minutes later she came out of the room.

Mrs.Olive, I will stay here tonight, You go home and sleep, I said.

Thank you, My dear, she said and hugged me. Then She went home. We both sat in another bed located in Mr.Olive's room. We both chatted silently, It's raining outside, So it was so cool inside the hospital. I was cold.

Here, wear this jacket, You are cold right now, He said.

How did you know? I didn't tell you that I was cold, I asked him.

I was holding your hand, He said. 

I looked at my hand, Yeah, I said and smiled at him.

Here, Wear this, he said. I wore it.

Later, I fell asleep by resting my head on his shoulder. 

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