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While having my tranquil peaceful sleep, Something interrupted me. I was sweating and squirming on my bed. I heard strong footsteps. I opened my eyes and searched for my phone. I found it. It's 2 am in the morning. I heard a creepy sound on the back porch. I landed barefoot on the floor. I started to walk towards the window. I saw no one there. But I found a red color balloon. The balloon was holding a letter. It seemed so strange to see a balloon with a letter at 2 am in the morning though. It cannot be a Christmas present, Because we already played a game and Christmas is over, I thought while glancing at the ballon. The windblown but the balloon doesn't give any kind of movement. It was just steady and flew in the same position. I decided to go to the back porch. I walked towards the door and opened my wooden room door. I went out of my room. The main hall was pitch-dark, There is no sign of light in the hall. I shone a flash through my phone into the dark hall. I was searching for the door which may lead me to the back porch. I was scared to walk alone but I can't wake up anyone. They all were tired. When I slowly opened Aaron's room door, the door whooshed. I saw Aaron was lying on his bed peacefully. I thought I could ask him to help me but he was sleeping like a baby. So I turned back and closed his door slowly. When I found the back porch door, I went out. I grabbed the red balloon down which was flying above me.

The letter was attached to the balloon's rope. I took the letter in one hand and my other hand was holding the balloon. I saw an X-mark in the center of the letter. It was the second time, Few hours before I saw an X-mark in the car which made an accident. And now I got a letter with the same X-mark sign. My heart started to pound fast. 

There you are, A man's voice reached my ears. This voice doesn't seem like the voice that I know before. My body started to quiver. I slowly turned back. I saw a man who I saw earlier in the opposite soup shop. He is still wearing his black hat and I'm unable to study his face. When he took off his hat, I spot a young face of 20 to 25 years. He seemed so enranged. Luckily, he almost looks like an Immortal, luckily not a Demon. He was five to six steps away from me. 

Rave Cardin right? He asked. I shook my head yes. How do you know my name? I asked. The whole demon kingdom and evil witches are looking for you. So that's the possible way to find your name, He answered. Why are they looking for us? I asked. He just smirked. 

You're brave enough to walk alone in the night, He said and his foot was started to walk towards me. I rolled my eyes.

When reached me, He just stood silently for a minute. Is this yours? I asked, still holding a balloon in my hand.

A letter? He asked and smirked. I nodded. No, It's not mine, It's yours, He smiled maliciously.

I took a glimpse letter. So It's for me, I muttered loudly. Yeah, He said and grabbed my hand which was holding a letter.

What are you doing? I asked distinctly. I need your power, Rave Cardin, He said and came closer.

Power? I asked and gave a muddled look. Yes, I need your power bead, He said.

Power bead? I don't have one, I said.

If you're dead, then I will get your power bead, he said and tightens his grip on my wrist. Ahhh, I winced. 

Will you die for me? He asked.

What? I don't even know you, Why should I die for you? I asked and winced in pain. I left the balloon which I was holding for a while. I created a flame ball and hit that on him. But he seemed so stronger than I thought. But at least it made him move away from me.

He smirked and walked closer. You silly goose, I thought it will be easy for me to get a power bead from you, He said. I stepped back when he stepped each foot forward.

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