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I killed him, I sobbed when I hugged Miss Matterson. Oh, baby girl, You didn't kill him. He sacrificed his life just for you. You should make him proud by defeating Whistler, She consoled as she patted my back. I broke the hug. She gazed at me.

Let's get in, She said and held my hand. I nodded. We walked inside the palace. The guards didn't oppose us which seemed weird. Why do the guards didn't oppose us? I asked to let out my curiosity. I told the committee that you found the soul bead so there is no need for the protection to you. If we insert the soul bead inside your body you will be a powerful person. Even you can defeat Whistler too, She said. I nodded. Mr.Dumont will help us, She said and I nodded.

We walked down the hallway and we reached Mr. Dumont's room. Matterson knocked on the door. Mr.Dumont opened. He was wearing the suit even at night. The room was filled with lights but there is no hope of seeing Will again, I thought while glancing at the lights.

Well, Miss Rave Cardin. You will defeat the Whistler. If you did, he will not be reborn again since he lost two lives already, He explained as he made me stand in the circle drawn on the floor. I will insert the soul bead inside your body, He said and waited for my response. Okay, Mr.Dumont, I assured him. Miss Matterson handed over the soul bead to him. Mr.Dumont started to chant the spells under his breath. I couldn't hear it. He walked closer to me by holding a soul bead in his hand. He closed his eyes when he reached me, the soul bead started to fly in the air in between us. I stayed quiet but a little nervous. And then created a light with help of his hands and the light joined the bead which was reflecting the emerald green color. The whole room was reflecting in emerald green color. Suddenly he pushed the soul bead with the light inside my body. My body felt heavy and light at the same time. It was strange. When the bead was placed inside I felt I'm glowing differently. I felt an ache in my heart but it doesn't long. A light disappeared and everything turned normal. Are you feeling okay? Mr.Dumont asked. Yes, Sir, I answered. You don't have to be in protection anymore, He said with a grin. I faked a smile. My mind was still processing Will's death. He died right in front of my eyes. I lost him. I have no one to talk to about my feelings, I thought.

The Whistler will be in the place called Carlisle tomorrow, I guess, Matterson informed. He lost the soul bead so he must be in the Carlisle, Dumont answered back. I didn't react. You're going to change the future of the red planet, Child, Dumont said with a cheerful smile on his face. He walked towards the shelf where he stored bottles of wine. It was just too fast. I lost my best friend tonight but they didn't seem to care. I needed the time to recover from the incident that happened tonight, I thought as Dumont handed over a glass of wine to enjoy the victory.

I don't know, killing someone for the bead. Does it seem like a victory to you? I asked in frustration. No, Child. By losing one life we can save billions of life now. You should understand it, He responded as he took a sip of his wine. I kept that wine on the white circle table. Miss Matterson walked towards me.

I know it's hard for you. But if you defeat Whistler tomorrow we can start our new year with a new hope without fear, She explained. I nodded as I faked a smile. Our stronger teams will fight with demons and you will defeat the Whistler tomorrow, and Aaron may help you too, She said as she caressed my hair. Okay, I assured her.

I have to leave, I muttered under my breath. She nodded. I saw Mr.Dumont playing an old song to celebrate his half victory, his hands were still holding a wine. I walked out of the room. I walked upstairs. I wrapped my arms around me to comfort myself. I walked into my lobby. I heard a yell in Clever's room. I rushed towards her room and unlock it. I stepped inside her room. I saw Aaron hugging Clever. She was crying hard. I walked towards her. She broke the hug when she saw me. I don't know how am I going to console her. She loved him more than, I thought.

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