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Shall we go? She asked after a long pause. Yes, I said and nodded. But before leaving the place I have to deal with the guards, She said and her eyes met mine. I fell into her eyes and I hope that she did the same. But then she realized that she was also been looking into my eyes, She broke the contact and stood from her place as I saw her skinny jeans fitted her legs neatly and her blonde hair was softly brushing her cheek and her neck, She is so perfect, I drowned by thoughts when I peeked at her. She walked towards the door and turned back to give me a signal to hide inside the bathroom again to get off from the guard's eyes. I went inside the bathroom. I heard her voice saying that "I took the sleeping tablet to reduce my headache so if you guys knocked on my door I will not be able to hear it".

Clever move, I thought. If you need anything you can call us, the guard said. Sure, thank you. And more thing, Don't wake me up until I decided to open the door, She added and the guards approved her. She closed the door behind her and I let my foot land on her room again.

That's a clever move, I said as I walked few steps towards her.

Umm, I know, She replied with a wide grin on her face. Her smile means everything to me. I know she was still loving me and acting that she doesn't. Well, She was a good actor though. I hope that she will have a bright happy future. She will be sad when I'm gone but she will overcome it after few months or maybe a few years, I thought as she walked closer to me.

I'm sorry about last night, She uttered gently by looking down.

My heart raced when she held my hand and gazed into my eyes. I didn't mean to hurt you, She added.

It's okay, everything that happened last night is for good, right? I asked. She nodded. So Shall we go? I asked. Yes, She replied.

We both walked towards the balcony. I stepped out of the balcony and kept my leg out safely on the edge of the balcony fence. Rave, I called as I saw her startled face. I can't do this, She answered within a second. Trust me, We don't fall. Even though if we did we will use our powers to fly, I convinced her. Then, Why can't we just use our powers to descend? She asked and raised her beautifully shaped eyebrows. I'm afraid of height, She added. The committee can trace the powers that we use inside the palace, I said and gaze at her, still standing on the edge. She stayed silent for a minute.

Trust me, I said and gave her one hand to hold. She nodded with a smile, even though I can see her startled face. She held my hand with her soft hand. She stepped out of her balcony and stood next to me.

She glanced down. Don't look down, I warned her by holding her waist tightly and making sure that she was standing safe. Too late, She replied with a panicked face. Look at me, We will reach the ground safely, I said and gave her hope. She nodded. Watch me, I said and started to climb down. I was just a few steps away from her. Come on, Rave. Climb down, I said softly.

She climbed down in a panic. She reached me. Easy? I asked as I felt her breath near me. Not easy as I thought, She uttered as she knew that she was just a few inches away from me. Her lips were not that far away from me. Aaron, we are climbing down the building don't think of anything else, you stupid, my mind hit me hard. Come on, Do the same, I said and started to climb down slowly. She followed me. When I reached the land safely, I saw her on the 2nd floor. Rave, It's not that much far away from the ground, I said as she looked at me, and simultaneously she slipped. I ran and caught her in my arms. I saw her with eyes closed because of fear. Rave, Are you okay? I called. She gently opened her baby eyes. I'm fine, Thank you for catching me, She said as her hands were wrapped around my neck. Don't mention it, I said and helped her to land her foot on the ground. Since it was dinner time, The guards left the palace with less security.

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