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The next morning, We all woke up late. I'm too lazy to go out so I slept in my bed in the same position for another half an hour. As I was lying on the bed, a beautiful food smell came into my room. By that smell, I can say that the food will be delicious.

So I got up, cleaned myself, and went out. There everyone was at the dining table eating their breakfast.

 Hey, I said. 

Hii, everyone replied. Come eat breakfast with us, said Noah. There was an empty chair next to Aaron, I was nervous to go and sit there. Gosh, I don't know why I'm like this whenever I see him.

But I still build the courage to go and sit next to him. As I started to eat, One of the dishes was really good. So I thought of asking who made this. 

Hey April, Who made this?.

Oh that one, This is made by Aaron. This is very tasty, right? asked April.

I was beyond shock that Aaron can cook this tasty. I didn't answer April's question and kept thinking. So she waved her hand in front of my face. 

Hey Rave, I asked you a question, April said. 

Oh yes, It is tasty, I said. Aaron smiled at me after I said that. What?. Seriously?.. AARON SMILED AT ME.

I'm blushing and smiling like crazy. After that, we cleaned the dishes and all went inside their rooms.

My mind kept on thinking about Aaron. The way he smiled at me. I'm so happy now. I can't describe how happy I'm. As I was thinking about him, a thought crossed my mind. 

I'm thinking about writing a letter to Lisa about how I'm doing. So I started to write a letter. After a good forty-five minutes, I finished writing the letter.

Now, I'm getting ready to go to the post office to post the letter. As per the map, the post office is not that far from here. When I opened the door, there was Aaron sitting on the sofa and scrolling something on his phone. Even his presence is making me blush. OH MY GODDD!!!!...I started to walk to the front door and avoided his presence as much as I can. When I was about to open the front door Aaron called my name. Now, what?!!! He even called my name..Gosh NO!! Now I'm red like a tomato. 

Seriously kill me right now! I would rather die than standing in front of him like a tomato. He is watching me now so I have to go. I turned around and hid my face as much as I can. Yes, I said. 

Where are you going? Aaron asked.

 Why is he asking me this, I thought. I'm going to post a letter to my sister. I said.

Are u going alone? Do you want me to come? Aaron asked.

WHAT? He is willing to come with me. 

I can't decline this offer. Yes, You can come, I said. 

After that, we walked together to the post office. I thought no one was watching us in the cabin. It was only me and Aaron

There was an awkward silence between us. I don't know how to start a conversation. I'm not good at that though.

Aaron started the conversation. So You have a sister? Aaron asked.

Yes, I have a sister. Her name is Lisa, I said. 

Don't you want to write a letter to your parents? Aaron asked.

No, It's not like that. I don't have parents. They died in an accident, I said.

I'm sorry, Aaron said. 

It's okay it happened so many years ago, I said...

Don't pity me, Aaron. This is what I thought. 

Okay, he said.

I tried to change a topic. Well, Don't you write a letter to your parents? I asked.

Umm, I'm not that close to my family except my father. He said by adjusting his hair with his fingers.

Why? I asked.

Sometimes, you don't feel close to your family, it's not like I'm not loving my family, I love them he said.

Oh, I said.

 The post office came, I posted a letter. Later we went home together.

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