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I was so worried about her. Rave was sleeping for about 3 hours continuously. I went inside her room to check her up. She was whimpering like a child. Her knees were brought up to her stomach and she held her knees tightly while lying on the bed and whimpering. Maybe she was having a bad dream, I thought. I walked slowly because I don't want to scare her. I sat next to her and kept my warm hands on her cold cheek.

Don't leave me, She mumbled silently which was enough to hear. I pulled her uncombed hair softly which was on her face and tucked it behind her ear. She was crying because of her bad dream. But she didn't wake up from her bad dream. She was constantly mumbling "Don't leave me".

Rave, It was just a bad dream, wake up, I said slowly and wiped her tears. She gently opened her baby eyes and glanced at my face. It's okay, I'm with you, I said and looked deep into her eyes.

She got up and sat on the bed.

It was just a dream, I won't leave you, Okay? I asked. Her expression was blank and I'm unable to study her face. Okay? I asked again but this time with extra concern. She nodded. How are you feeling? Do you have a headache now? I asked. Better than before, She replied in a soft sore tone. I smiled. Do you wanna have some coffee? I asked and gazed at her face for an answer. Yes, She said. Okay, I will bring it here, Don't get up from your bed, I said and left the room. I went to the kitchen and prepared coffee for her. Suddenly my phone rang, I took my phone from my pocket. William called me.

Hey, I answered the phone.

Hey Aaron, How was she doing? William asked.

She just woke up from her bad dream Will, I replied.

Ohh, Is she doing fine? Will asked.

Yeah, She is fine, I will take care...So Miss Emilia asked us? I asked.

Yeah, She does, We will be back as soon as possible, Will replied.

Okay, Then, Reach the cabin soon, I said and hang up the phone. I took the coffee with me before it got cold. I entered her room. She was sitting like a lost baby. Maybe she was lost in thoughts. I walked towards her and handed over the cup of coffee to her. I pulled a chair which was placed near her studying desk. I sat on the chair and glanced at her. She placed a pillow on her lap. She held a cup in her hand and her hand was resting on the pillow. She didn't take a sip of her warm coffee. She seemed lost in her thoughts. I held her hand and her baby eyes turned towards me.

Drink it before it gets cold, I remind her. Okay, she replied and drank her coffee. She placed her empty coffee cup beside her lamp on her table. An awkward silence appeared. What did you? Before I finish my sentence she interrupted me.

I want to run away from this place, she interrupted. What? I asked. Yeah, the demons are searching for me, I will die, She answered. No, you're not, I interjected.

Aaron, the Demons are so strong. They will get me soon, I want to spend my time with my sister for one last time, She said. I saw her eyes, her eyes were urging her to cry. Even though it was not possible, She wants to spend her time with her sister, not me. Yeah, I know I being selfish right now. I won't let her die, I thought. 

Rave, Don't speak nonsense, I said in an annoyed tone. But, It was the truth, she defended. The demons will get what they want for sure. You know that right? She asked and gazed at my mad face. But hiding or running away from them was not the best solution. Well, I said that I will protect you. Why don't you trust me? I asked. It's not like, She started to speak but I interjected by saying "I will die for you, Rave". Tears fell on her cheek and her lips were pursed. Trust me, I said. I trust you, She said. I nodded. You don't have to die for me. I want to spend my valuable time with you for the rest of my life, She expressed. I gave her a grin and kissed her temple. I'm going to call my mom to ask her about the shield she made for you earlier, I said and took my phone from my pocket. I held my phone nervously, She saw that. What happened? She asked and gave a muddled look. Well, I haven't spoken to her for a long time. And you know that she doesn't like me, I'm okay with that. I'm getting nervous because the last time I met her, I paused. Rave gave a questioning gaze which looked so cute. You look cute, I said. Don't change the topic, She said.

I smirked in a funny way. My mom warned me not to fall in love with you, But I couldn't. I fell in love with you, I said and glanced at her cute little face.

Why? Because she doesn't like me? she asked. No, Who the hell will hate you? You're such a sweetie pie. My mom warned me because she doesn't want to hurt you as I did to Emily, I said. She nodded.

You don't want to call your mom if you aren't comfortable with her, She said and gazed at me. Really, I don't want to talk to my mom. But I have to call her because Rave really needs me, and I want to help her, I thought. No, I will call her, I said to Rave. Are you sure? She asked. I nodded. But I'm afraid that my mom will react if I told her that I love Rave. I couldn't even imagine, I thought. Well, I will call her later, I said. She nodded. Okay, I will leave then, I said and left the room door open. An hour later, William entered the cabin. Where are the others? I asked. They are with Miss Emilia, and... they are sorting things out, Will replied. Sorting out what? I asked curiously.

The demons attacked our Nightfall college yesterday. Don't panic, everyone was fine, He said. I haven't heard the news from anyone about this, I said. No one knows about it, The demons are searching for someone. The nightfall committee is looking for the same person, I don't know who it is, Will said furiously.

Are they looking for a Rave? I asked. Rave? Will asked and raised his both eyebrows. Yeah, Rave has a power bead and she was the last cursed person by the demon's master, they all are looking for her. Well, the last time she went to Esher, she got the same mark on her wrist, I said.

What Esher? Will asked. You don't know that? Rave didn't tell you that? I asked. His face turned sad. Oh My God, I'm sorry Will, I thought she said this to you. Since you two were close to each other, I thought you would know about it, I said. Will sat on the couch. She didn't share anything. I don't know why she was hiding things from me, Will said in a sore tone. I stood silent. Whatever the relationship it is, the third person should not interfere in the problem. It will cause more damage to the relationship, I thought. Rave came out of her room and walked towards Will. Maybe I should leave, I said and left them alone for their privacy.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Do forget to vote. Comment if you have any thoughts.

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