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Later we all perched on the back porch of our cabin. We all sat in the circle shape. Aaron sat next to me. Noah came up with a guitar.

Noah, Do you know to play the guitar? I asked in surprise. I think I do know, He joshed. Play it then, Clever said. He sat next to April. His hand was holding the guitar. 

Noah's left-hand holds a chord shape and his right-hand strums the strings with a pick. He played the guitar soothingly. I enjoyed the music while my head was resting on Aaron's shoulder. When Noah ceased the guitar with a soft soothing tone, We all clapped.

Thank you, He said and placed his guitar aside. It's awesome, Aaron cheered. Yeah, It was so good to hear, I complimented. We all cheered him.

While enjoying myself with my friends, I felt someone was eyeing me. My eyes wander to see who it is. I'm in my cabin, No one can enter the cabin without permission from the committee. I gazed at the tall building which was built quite a distance from the cabin. But my eyes can't see if someone was there or not. I really felt awkward for a moment.

Let's go inside, April said. Yeah, Let's get in, It's cold outside, William replied. 

Everyone got up and went inside except Aaron and me. How was your therapy going? I asked. Almost 40 percent completed, He replied. Just a few more days right? I asked and gazed at his face. He nodded. I smiled.

Do you wanna go for a walk? He asked. I nodded. We went inside and took the sweater with us cause it was cold outside. We stepped outside the cabin.

I thought you will ignore me on this day too, I mumbled. I tried so hard to ignore you but I failed, at last, He replied and held my cold hands. We walked in the path which was filled with Christmas light. It looked so awesome.

I'm happy, I said suddenly and smiled.

What makes you happy at this time? He asked. You're with me. I'm celebrating Christmas with you. For the first time, I'm celebrating my Christmas with you. And you know what, I have never celebrated any festival without my sister. This was the first time, I said and my eyes are urging me to cry. He slowly lay his hands over my shoulder.

You're missing her a lot right? He asked. I nodded. Missing our loved one makes our bond stronger, He cooed. I smiled and glanced at him.

Well, I think I was the first one to propose to you, He said and gazed at me.

Nope, You're not the first one to confess your love for me, I replied.

Then who did? He asked. He looked possessive. Calm down, baby boy, I said and giggled.

Rave, I'm asking seriously. Who did first? He asked again. Noah, I answered. What Noah? He retorted. Yes, He confessed his love for me before you, I answered.

Did you say yes? He asked and stopped walking. Nope, Do you wanna know what I replied to Noah? I asked and winked at him. He nodded. I said that I love Aaron, I replied. A brief bashful grin appeared on Aaron's lips. Don't worry, I won't fall for anyone. I will always love you, I expressed. I know, He replied before he left the kiss on my temple. I smiled.

Hey, Do you wanna eat something hot, like soup? He asked. I nodded. He took me to the street shop. There was a long queue. It was a famous shop, He said and gazed at the shop. Well, We should leave now, I said. Why? I will buy you a soup just wait for a while. This soup will taste good. You should taste it, He said and winked at me. Okay, I said. Then he went to stand in the queue.

It was 7 pm, I was standing near the shop. Aaron was waiting in the queue to buy me a soup. I felt someone was gawking at me. My eyes wandered. I saw a man who was standing opposite the side of the road. He was wearing a black hat. I couldn't see his face clearly, his black hat covered his face. It felt strange. I turned my head to see Aaron. I saw Aaron, He smiled at me.

Suddenly his smile disappeared and his eyes were in shock, He shouted something but it wasn't clear enough to hear. The crowd dispersed with fear. For a second, I was not sure what was happening. I turned my head and saw a car, it lost its control and skidding towards me. Aaron ran towards me and grabbed my waist. He placed one hand behind my head before I hit the ground. We both fell down. The car crashed in the amber light. Aaron was on me, He was still holding my head with his hands. The crowd rushed towards us and helped us to stand up. I stood up. Aaron hugged me suddenly.

Rave, Are you okay? He asked and clasped my hands. I'm fine, I replied and gazed at his hand. His hand turned red because his hand strikes the ground when he held my head. Aaron, Your hand? I asked. It will be okay, He said. His gaze went over the car. The police reached the place and helped the driver to get out of his car. Fortunately, there were no fatalities. I saw that the car's top part was marked like an X-mark. The police walked towards us.

The policeman was fully uniformed and thorough, He walked and stood in front of us. He asked some questions and we answered. And he advised us to go to our cabin as soon as possible.

Then we walked together. Aaron show me your hand, I said. It's nothing Rave, I will be alright, He replied. I nodded. Aaron, I'm feeling something strange. I don't know I'm feeling a bad vibe around me, I said and glanced at him.

Babe, Nothing will happen, I'm with you. I will protect you, He assured. I smiled and gave a nod. Later we reached our cabin. Finally, this cute adorable couple arrived, April teased. Stop it, I defended and threw a cushion at her. Let's have dinner together, Noah said and dragged me with him.

Aaron followed me and sat next to me. We had dinner together. After having our dinner together we all settled on the couch. Noah and April were searching for their part-time job. On the other side, William and Clever were having their cute lingering talks. My gaze went to Aaron. 

Don't you think that they are cute? I asked Aaron while glancing at William and Clever.

Yup, They're cute together, He replied and smiled. Did you play the game that I bought for you earlier? I asked. 

I'm so tired today. I'm gonna sleep. I'll play tomorrow, Aaron answered and glanced at me. Okay, Good night baby boy, I said and corrected his messy hair with my fingers. I don't want a good night, He said and gave a weird smile. Then What do you want? I asked. 

You really don't know right? He asked. Oh, I got it, I love you, Right? I asked. Nope, He replied and came closer. 

Kiss? He whispered in my ears. No way, Everybody is here, I muttered and rolled my eyes.

Okay, Fine, I said and gave a quick kiss on his cheek before everyone's gaze turns on us. He smiled. I'm tired too, I said. 

Okay, Babe, Go and have a good sleep, He said and stood up from his place. I stood with him. 

Good night, love you, I said and opened my room door. Love you always, He replied with a grin on his face. I smiled and got into my room. 

While I was lying on my bed, I heard a soft knock on my door. Get in, I shouted from inside. Will entered the room. 

Will, What are you doing here? You must spend your time with Clever, I teased him. He chuckled. I smiled. His gaze went over my necklace. 

Did Aaron present that to you? He asked in surprise. I nodded and cleared my bed so that he could sit on my bed. 

Rave, That's really awesome, He said. How did you found that? I asked. Well, Your necklace represents A and R. It's easy to find, He replied. I smiled. You both are so mad in love, He teased me. 

I sighed. Rave, He called. I gazed at him. Aaron really loves you. He said his past earlier. He suffered a lot, William said. 

Oh, You know his past too. He was like an untold diary Will. If we open and read those hurtful lines from his past, We can really understand him. But no one tried it though. And I'm gonna read each and every line from his past. I will write his future, which will be filled with only happiness and love, I expressed and gazed at him. 

I know You will, Will replied and smiled. You look sleepy, Will said. Yeah, I'm tired, I said. 

Okay, Then, Sleep. Good night, He said and left the room.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote.

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