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Later William and Clever joined us. We all settled on the couch. Where April and Noah haven't come home yet. 

Can we watch a movie? William asked. 

No, We both just watched a movie, Aaron said and put his hand over my shoulder. William was a bolt from the blue when he saw Aaron's hand over my shoulder. 

I'm tired now, Clever said and stood up from her place. Yeah, I'm too, William said. They both went to their respective rooms.

Oh God, I forgot, I said. 

Forgot what? Aaron asked. I forgot to tell William about our relationship, I said. 

Rave, Don't tell about my dark side to anyone, I don't want my dark side to be exposed, Aaron replied.

Sure, I won't, But I will tell William about our relationship, I said and stood up from my place. Okay, He replied and smiled. 

I went near William's room door. I knocked on his door. It's open, Get in, William shouted.

I got in and sat next to him. Um, What's going on with you two? Willam asked.

Don't get mad at me, I was about to tell you but In the morning you were with Clever, So, I paused for a moment. Okay, Listen Aaron confessed his love for me last night. He took me to the forest called Newmoon Woodland. We both spent our happy time there, I said and blushed. 

Oh My God, Rave, That's really awesome, I'm happy for you, He said and hugged me. I hugged him too. 

Then we chatted for hours. While chatting with him someone knocked on William's door.

Get in, It's open, William shouted from inside. Aaron opened the door and entered the room.

It's been two hours, Aaron said and sat next to me. 

You can't leave her alone for at least two hours? William asked.

Nope, I can't, Aaron replied and gazed at me. I smiled.

She loves to spend time with me more than you, William said. Aaron gazed at my face for my answer.

Yes, I do, I teased Aaron. Aaron gave a sore smile. Suddenly Clever opened the door. 

Oops, I thought, William was alone so, Clever paused. 

Well, He will be alone after we left, I said. Aaron and I got up and left the room so that Clever and William can have some privacy. 

I opened my room door and got in. I took Aaron along with me. I sat on my bed and Aaron sat opposite me.

Well, Miss Rave Cardin loves to spend more time with Willaim. Which means I will be left alone, He said and gazed at me.

Aaron, I was just kidding, I said and held his hand. Hm, Hm, He replied with a soft tone.

My baby boy, I'm sorry, I was just trying to tease you in front of him, I said and gazed at him.

Did you just call me baby boy right now? He asked and giggled. Yup, What's wrong with that? I asked.

No, Nothing, It was the first time I'm hearing this from you, He said and grin at me. I smiled. An awkward silence appeared. 

Aaron, I really love to spend time with you, I said and wrapped my arms around him. Yeah, You do, He said and hugged me back.

I love you, I said. He smiled and said I love you too, Babe. 

Aaron, I want to know more about you, I paused for a moment, Like How did you turn into a demon and also about your past relationship, I want to know the whole story, I added. He took a deep breath.

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