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I closed my room door and went to my table. I sat on the chair. I opened the letter. And started to read that letter.

Hey Rave, I'm Lisa. I'm totally fine here nothing to worry about. Our home looks empty because of your absence. I hope you're well there. Please do have your food regularly. Don't skip your breakfast, please. I hope you will adapt there. Attend your class regularly and don't fall in love, you know how much effort you've done to enter this college so please don't fall in love, it's my kind request. It may seem like I'm advising but I have to because I'm your sister. How is your class going? Do you understand them? And how was your first day at your college? Did your groupmates are treating you well are not? Okay, I'm asking too many questions I will stop it here. Take care yourselves. Meet you soon Baby. Missing you a lot. Love you always.

                                                   Thank you   

                                                                                                                                  -By Lisa Cardin

Yeah, I too miss her badly. She said, Don't fall in love. how is it possible when there is a boy like Aaron, I thought. I wasn't that close to Aaron, but something inside me was telling me that don't miss him. With a strange feeling, I slept. 

The Next morning, As usual, we all got ready for college, I wore Denim jeans and matched those jeans with the Sky blue color T-shirt. We all got into our class, I sat on the third bench, an empty seat was next to me. I thought Aaron would come and sit next to me. Unexpectedly Noah came and sat next to me.

Man!! I left that seat for Aaron.

Hey, Rave, Noah said. 

Hey, Noah, I said and grin at him.

You look so pretty, as usual, he said.

You're kidding right, I said and gave him a weird look.

No, No I'm serious, He said.

Why all of sudden you're expressing this? I asked.

Is it unusual to appreciate someone's beauty, he said.

Maybe, I said and smiled at him.

Aaron sat on the last bench. I turned back to see him, he was speaking to William. 

Today was Mr.Andrew's class. He teaches about the history of the great witches. He took the chalk and started to draw some pictures on the board.

Seriously I hate history classes. 

Even though no one listens to him, He continued his class by taking boring lectures.

Ugh finally the tedious class is over, I started to pack my books.

Do you want to hang out today? Noah asked.

No, I have to go to Pop's for work, I said.

Oh, That's great, he said.

When I got home, I went to my room and had a quick shower. Dressed up and went to Pops for work. I went inside Pop's restaurant. I saw some college students who already working there I joined them too. 

While working I saw Emilia Cooper from my College. She belongs to Group 1. She came towards me.

Hey, Need some help, she asked.

Yes, can you please help me to serve these dishes, I asked.

Yeah, Sure, she said.

After serving those dishes, I thanked her. 

It's okay, she said. And we worked together.

My shift will be over at 7 pm. So I worked till 7 pm. I almost worked for 4 hours and when my shift is over I decided to leave the restaurant. Before leaving I said bye to my new friend.

Bye, See you tomorrow, I said.

Bye, She said.

While walking I saw a crowd standing on the road blocking the road. I went to see what they were doing, There was an accident and the policemen asked everyone to leave. Since there was an accident I took another path that leads me to the Cabin. Unfortunately, I left my map in my room. So I walked on the pavement and suddenly something approached me. I don't know what it is. I felt something strange. No one was in the street. I stopped walking and saw a Big gate which is located there. I started to walk near the gate. Yeah, it's Esher. 

I heard some strange noise. No house or No shops aren't there. Only trees, street lights, and Esher's gate are there. The whole street was restricted because of demons. Without knowing that I came inside the street. I heard someone is shouting for help behind the Esher's Gate. I'm afraid. My hands are shaking. I turned back started to walk quickly. The street light started to blink. Someone grabbed my hands but I couldn't see who it is. Suddenly felt that my hand was free and I saw a scar on my wrist. I'm scared. I started to run as fast as I can and I felt that someone was chasing me. My mind was saying that " Turn and look who it is" but I never turned back and finally I came out of the street and I turned and saw the blank road. Nothing is there.

I'm afraid to walk alone so I took a bus and left that place. I entered my cabin and went straight to my room. Everyone sat in the hall but I refused to give a look to them. I closed my room door and sat on the bed. I started to think about how terrible it was and how afraid I'm when I'm in that street? I couldn't even come out of it. I saw a scar on my wrist. The X-shaped mark was marked on my wrist. 

I heard someone knocked on my door but I couldn't respond. And Aaron opened the door. 

Aaron saw my scared face.

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