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Rave, Do you want some drink? Aaron asked. 

Yup, I said and glanced over him. Okay, I will get it for you, He said and went. I touched the Roses in the flower vase which was kept on the table. The roses are so fresh. While relishing the beauty of Roses, I felt someone was eyeing me. I turned back to see who it is. A fine-looking boy with mid-brown hair. He is taller than me. He waved his hand. I just smiled. He came near me.

Hey, he said. Hey, I said and my eyes started to look for Aaron.

Um, I'm Dylan Sangster, He introduced himself.

Oh, I'm Rave Cardin, I said and we exchanged greetings.

Are you came alone here? He asked.

No, I came with my friends, I said.

Oh, Okay, He paused for a moment, Would you like to dance with me? He asked. I just blinked.

No, She is mine, Aaron said it from the back. Did I hear him right? Did he say " She is mine" now? I asked myself. I turned my head so that I could see his face.  

Aaron said she came here with me and handed over a glass of juice in my hand. 

Okay, Dylan said and left us alone. Aaron put his hand over my shoulder. 

Rave, Do you know him? Aaron asked.

Nope, I replied.

What? How could you talk with a stranger? It's not safe, He said and glanced at me.

Well, You're with me, I know you will come and get me, I replied and glanced at him too. He smiled. Then Professor Dumont entered the chamber, He clapped his hands to get attention from us. We all became silent.

Good evening everyone, I hope everyone is well. Welcome to our ACC ceremony. Almost 10 colleges are here, please everyone have your dinner comfortably. We made a separate chamber for the teachers. So that students can enjoy themselves. I don't want to waste your precious time. Enjoy yourselves. Thank you for joining us tonight. He said and left the chamber with the teachers.

I heard smooth music played in the Chamber. My gaze went over Aaron. Shall we dance? He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. He took my hand twirled me into his arms. We stepped onto the floor. He holds my one hand firmly. His one hand was holding my waist. I placed one hand on his shoulder. He slid his left foot backward in a smooth motion by holding my waist tighter. I slid my right foot forward and chased his left foot. I fell into his eyes. His eyes were sweet and luminous. I smiled at him. 

Do you know what?  I've never seen dark eyes with so much light in them, I said while dancing. A grin appeared on his lips.

Oh, Really, He asked and pulled me closer. I nodded and smiled at him. Uncontrollable feelings surged through my body. We kept dancing like no one was watching. We don't know how many songs went by while dancing. It was like I'm in a good dream, I always wished to dance with him, Today my wish became true. When the music stops, We forced ourselves to stop dancing. He left my hands free and I stood beside him.  

 I felt so comfortable with you, I said and glanced over his warm eyes. All of sudden, He pulled my waist and he placed one hand on my cheek. His face was so close to mine. My heart started to pound fastly. Suddenly" Thousand years song by Christina Perri" played in the chamber. I love this song, I said.

I love this song too, Aaron said and smiled at me. Do you know, how beautiful your smile was? He asked. I blushed. Whatever the situation is, I just want your pleasant smile to be the same, He said.

I smiled at him and said Yeah, I will wear this smile always. We danced slowly, He drew me close to his chest. I can hear his heart pounding now. He wrapped his arms around me. 

Rave, Listen to me, He said. I raised my head to see his face. Sometimes, You can lose everything, You can feel lost. But remember I'm with you, I don't know before who was your trusted person, But from now, I want to be your trusted person. I will protect you even the world is against you, He said and hugged me tighter. I don't know why he was telling this now but my eyes were teary now. I want his love forever, I want to hold him tightly like always, but before he said that doesn't feel the same, Now he is behaving weirdly. How should I take this? Like friendship or love.

 Later the song stopped. We released ourselves from the hug. He holds my hand and took me to the Dinner table. We had dinner together. For the first time, Only me and Aaron have had dinner together. While I was chatting with Aaron, William came to me. 

Aaron, Can I borrow your girl for a minute? William asked. Yeah, Sure, Aaron replied.

Rave, I'm so afraid, William said.

What are you afraid of? I asked.

What will I do if she didn't accept my love? He asked.

Nothing will happen, I'm 100 percent sure, She will accept your proposal, I said and cheered him up. He took a deep breath. Come on, William, You can do this, I said.

Okay, I can do this, He said.

That's my boy, I said and tapped on his shoulder.

Rave, after I reached our cabin I will send you a message, Can you please pick her up and bring her to the cabin? He asked. 

Okay, I said. So are you gonna propose to her in our cabin? I asked.

Yes, It's time now, I should be going, He said and rushed to the cabin. I searched for Clever. 

Whom are you looking for? Aaron asked. Umm, Clever, I replied. 

Okay, Let's search her together, He said. We found her near the entrance of the chamber. I got a message from William, He says that He was ready.

Clever, I called her. We reached her. 

Clever, can you come with me to the cabin? I asked her.

Yeah sure, She said. Aaron dragged me back. Why do you wanna go back to the cabin soon? He whispered in my ears.

Because William was waiting for her, I whispered in his ear. Before he asks another question I shut his mouth with my hand. Come with me, You can see what he is waiting for, I said slowly. He nodded.

I turned back to Clever. Shall we? I asked her.

Yeah, she replied. Then we reached our cabin. Clever open the door, I said. She gave muddled look. And went to open the door. Aaron was looking furiously. When she opened the door. William was standing in front of her by holding a flower bouquet in his hand. Clever stepped inside, We followed her. The hall was decorated with flowers and balloons. Noah and April reached the cabin and stood beside us. Clever stood amazed by the decorations. I crossed my arms and enjoyed her reaction.

William step forward and knelt down. 

Clever, The day I met you was the best day, You gave me happiness the day I met you till now. I want you to be in my life always, I don't know if you feel the same. But I love you with all of my heart, Even now I don't know if I'm worth saying that. He paused for a moment. I have been waiting for so long to tell you that, He took a deep breath, I love you Clever Humshell, Will you be my girlfriend? He confessed his love.

Tears fell over her cheeks. Her face turned red and she blushed. We all waited for one little word "yes". 

Yes, I love you too, She expressed and cried in happiness. William stood up and hugged her. We all happy for them. William winked and showed me a thumbs-up sign while hugging her. I smiled at him. We clapped for them. William kissed her cheek and said I love you again. I was so happy for them. My gaze went over Aaron. He looked mine. I just gave him a smile. 

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