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I had a good sleep last night. Since it's Sunday today, We all woke up late. We skipped breakfast because it's already 11:30. I pushed myself from my bed. I took a shower. I wrapped the towel around my body and came outside to get dressed up. When I came closer to the mirror, I saw that my neck and wrist marks are disappeared. I touched my wrist. It doesn't hurt me this time. I was happy. I opened my closet. I took a pale yellow color gown, The gown has little flowers printed on it. My gown was above my knee. After that, I brushed my hair and wore a messy bun which is always comfortable for me. I went out of my room. 

I went to the kitchen to Clever because she was cooking alone. While preparing the dishes William entered the kitchen.

Hey guys, Can I help you? He asked.

Yeah sure, I said.

I started to cut the vegetables, suddenly William came near to my ears.

 Hey, Rave Can you please leave the kitchen so that I can talk with Clever for some time, He muttered and gave a quick smile.

William, Cut these vegetables, I got some work to do, I said.

Yeah, sure, He said and winked at me.

I gave a smile and went near to his ears, Have a good time with her, I said and tapped his shoulder. Clever was so confused about our behavior. 

Guys, You both acting so weird right now, Clever said and folded her arms around her body. 

Well, It's time to leave, Bye I said and left the kitchen. Honestly, They look so cute together.

When I came to the hall April, Noah, and Aaron were sitting on the sofa. I joined them, I sat next to Aaron. 

I should be going to help Clever, April said.

No No No Don't go, I said. 

Why? She asked.

Because William is helping her, I said and winked at her.

Oh Okay, She said and smiled.

After some time Noah and April went to water the plants. Aaron started to scroll something on his phone.  

Did you sleep well last night? he asked by scrolling on his phone.

Yes, I said and smiled at him. 

That's good, He said.

And he started to adjust his hair with his fingers. I kept both hands on my cheek and started to stare at him. Suddenly William came and asked us to eat lunch with him. After having lunch together as usual we started to watch a movie. 

The day passed. The next morning, We went to our College. When we entered our college. Group 3 and Group 7 are practicing so hard. We have just a few months for our tournaments. So the teachers making their students practice hard. But in my group, we haven't learned that much from our teacher. We watched them practicing. 

Later, we went to our class, Today was Mr. Goblin's class. He entered our class. 

Good morning students, he said. 

We said good morning too. 

Students you should know to fight even without your magical power, he said.

William raised his hand. 

Yes, William what's your doubt? I didn't start the lesson yet, he said.

Sir, why should I fight without power, Because everyone present here has powers?  We aren't mortals, William asked.

Okay, listen when your powers are taken by the demons what will you do? He asked.

I will run away from the demons, He said. The whole class started to laugh. 

Silence, Mr. Goblin said with anger. We all became silent. 

Even if you run away from the demons you will be dead at the end, My boy he said pointing to William.

And that's why I'm going to teach you how to fight without using your powers, he said and started to teach us.

He taught every different technique.  I noted it down. 

From tomorrow onwards, your practice sessions will start, you will be having severe practice from tomorrow, He said and went out of the class. We all went outside. When I reached my cabin. I went to my room and got ready for work and went to Pops. Later I finished my work on Pop's went to the mail office and posted a letter to my sister, I wrote this letter in the morning.  I went to the cabin, had a good time with my friends and went to my bed.

This regular work at Pop's and severe practice sessions have been my routine. 4 to 5 weeks passed like this. 

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