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The next morning, I woke up next to Aaron. He is still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb his sleep. So I sat quietly. His head was resting on my shoulder. He folded his arm around him. He looked too cute. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Suddenly Mrs.Olive came inside the room. 

She looked at me and Aaron. I gave a sign that Mr.Olive is still sleeping.

Okay, she whispered and went near Mr.Olive. Later Aaron woke up. Good morning, I said.

Good morning, He said with a croaky morning voice. Mrs.Olive came near to us. 

Rave, You both can leave now, He will be discharged today and I will take care of him, You both take rest, She said.

Okay, I said and hugged her. 

It's raining outside, I brought one umbrella, You two can share this and go home, she said and handed over the umbrella to me. 

Thank you, I said. Aaron adjusted his messy hair with his finger.  Then we went outside. It's raining, I said.

Yeah, give me the umbrella I will hold it, He said. I gave the umbrella to him. He opened the umbrella and we walked. 

You helped me a lot, I said. 

What did I do? he asked.

Being there for me is the biggest help, I said.

I will be always there for you as a friend, he said.

" As a friend, No I want to be your Girlfriend," I thought. I know, I said.

Later we reached our cabin.  We entered the cabin.  April came towards us. 

Hey, How is Mr.Olive? she asked. Noah, William, and Clever were standing beside her. 

He is doing good now, I replied. 

Oh, that's good to hear, she said. Then went to my room and got refreshed. I took my phone to check the news feed. My phone will be dead soon, It has only 1%. So I connected my charger to my phone. Then went out of my room to have breakfast. I went to the dining place and sat in my place. Aaron's place was empty. So I asked clever where is he?

He was tired, So he is sleeping, she said. 

Oh okay, I said. 

Today our classes were canceled because of heavy rain, William said by looking at his phone.

Oh God thanks, I said with happiness. After having our breakfast together, Everyone went to their rooms except Noah and me. Noah is washing the dishes. I went to help him.

Need some help? I asked Noah.

No, I'm almost done, He replied. 

Oh Okay, then I will go to my room, I said and turned back.

He grabbed my hand. 

Can I talk to you for few minutes? he asked.

Yeah sure, What's the matter? I asked him.

 Um, Okay listen every time when I try to talk to you you're surrounded by someone, he said. 

So What, You can join them and chat with me, I answered him and raised my eyebrows.

No, I want to tell you that... He stopped while talking.

What? I asked and folded my arms.

Listen, Rave, I love you, I want to tell you this from the beginning, But you are always with Aaron and William, He said and gazed at me.

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