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Then we all settled in our room. I jumped myself on the bed. I was staring at the ceiling and recollecting the good event that happened today. Suddenly William opened my room door and entered. I got up and sat on my bed. 

Congratulations, Mr William Brooke, I said and clapped my hands. He smiled and sat next to me. I'm happy for you, I said and grin at him.

Yeah, I know you will be, He said.

Why are you here? You should be spending time with your girlfriend now, I said and gazed at him.

Yeah, I know, he paused for a moment, I saw you both, He added.

You saw what? I asked and glanced at him.

I saw you and Aaron was dancing so happily. I saw the way he looked at you, He was so snug and happy with you, I felt that you both meant to be together, I think he was having a problem with something, You should ask him the real reason for rejecting you, He said.

I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees, and I glanced at William. Yeah, He was so different today. I saw a different Aaron today, I experienced his other side. He wants to be loved but he pushes away people who love him. But today, He showed me an adorable side of him, I said.

William nodded and said that You should ask him why he was like this.

Yeah, I have to, I said. Okay, Rave, Good night, We're having battle one tomorrow, Sleep well, He said and left my room. I slept. 

The next morning, We got ready for the battle. I went out of my room. I searched for Aaron. Noah crossed me. Noah, Where is Aaron? I asked.

He already went to College, He replied.

Oh, I said. What? Why did he go alone? I'm his pair, I was here then why did he go alone? I asked myself and walked towards the dining table. We had breakfast together except Aaron. Later we went to our College. Everyone was preparing for Battle one. We reached our class and I found Aaron there. 

I sat next to him. Hey, I said and waved my hand.

Hey, He said and sat silently. Okay, He was mad about something, Don't ask any question Rave just sit quiet, I said to myself.

Miss Emilia entered the classroom. Students pair up fast, We're gonna have Battle one. And All the best, Do well. And your paired points will also be taken by the committee. So Give your best. Remember when you can't hold on anymore you can quit, You don't have to hurt yourselves, She instructed us. 

Okay, now, I will take you to the delirium room, She said. We all stood up and followed her. I was nervous right now. I don't want to go there. Ugh, But I should go, I said to myself.

William and Clever, Your room was room 1, Miss Emilia said.

Jay and Skye, Your room was room 2, She said.

Aaron and Rave, Your room was room 3, She said. Aaron went inside first, I followed him. Aaron, I called his name. He turned back and I reached him. 

Aaron, We will do this together, I said. He just nodded. Oh God, Why he is behaving oddly again? Did I do something wrong again? How I'm going to win this battle when he was like this. Ugh, God, help me, please. I thought.

Suddenly an Old witch appeared in front of us. 

So Are you ready for battle one? She asked. We said yes together. 

All the best, She said and disappeared. The room turned dark. I took a deep breath and stepped in front. I can't see Aaron. Suddenly, My Mom appeared in front of me.

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