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Just three days to go for our Christmas, So I decided to buy a gift for Aaron and William. I'm gonna give the gift to Aaron while playing treasure hunt. 

6 pm, Red planet:

I went to the mall by myself. I entered the game store, where they perfectly placed the games in the rack in order. I glanced at a "Do or Die" video game, that was placed in the 5th row. I remembered that Aaron mentioned this game earlier. 

Do you need any help? A fair and smart voice reached my ears. I turned back and saw a tall good-looking guy who was standing in front of me. 

I'm working at this shop, Do you need any help? He asked.

Umm... I'm looking for video games for my boyfriend. And I don't know much about this though, I said and gazed at him. 

Well, I can help you with this, He replied and pulled three to four video games with the help of his hands. He started to explain that. Seriously, I'm not a gamer. So I don't understand what he was explaining. 

So, This one is the most popular and crime game. I hope your boyfriend will like this. And this one was about the mafia. This game includes lots of crime scenes and this will be more interesting than the last game I showed you, He explained.

What about the Do or Die game? I asked.

Ohh, Your choice was so good, He said and pulled that game from the 5th row. He was tall enough to grab that game, I thought. 

This game was designed like a battle. In this game, the player has to defeat the demon. And when the player finishes each stage the player will be rewarded with a stone. Once the player got all the stones, the player will be able to defeat the demon. It will be interesting, He said. 

It sounds interesting, I said. And then the guy nodded his head. 

Okay then, I will buy this, I said. Then He took the game with him and went to the bill counter. When I paid for the game, I took the game with me and left the shop, and searched for the book shop. Because William loves to read books. 

I searched for the bookshop. Finally, I found the "Paradise bookshop". I went inside. I bought a bunch of books. Because he loves every author. So I bought a bunch of books for him and left that shop. 

What about the Do or Die game? I asked.

Ohh, Your choice was so good, He said and pulled that game from the 5th row. He was tall enough to grab that game, I thought.

This game was designed like a battle. In this game, the player has to defeat the demon. And when the player finishes each stage the player will be rewarded with a stone. Once the player got all the stones, the player will be able to defeat the demon. It will be interesting, He said.

It sounds interesting, I said. And then the guy nodded his head.

Okay then, I will buy this, I said. Then He took the game with him and went to the bill counter. When I paid for the game, I took the game with me and left the shop, and searched for the book shop. Because William loves to read books.

I searched for the bookshop. Finally, I found the "Paradise bookshop". I went inside. I bought a bunch of books. Because he loves every author. So I bought a bunch of books for him and left that shop. 

And I bought some gift wrapping sheets and ribbons to tie and letter cards too. Once I finished my shopping I left the mall and went to the cabin. When I entered the hall, no one was there. I straightly went to the room and those things in my bed and went outside. I heard a yell from Aaron's room. I opened the door, I found William and Aaron there. Aaron was unstable and he was yelling that "Save her from me". I rushed to him. What happened to him? I asked while gazing at Aaron.

He was having a sign of a demon, You shouldn't be here, Get out of the room first, William shouted. But I didn't listen to him. Aaron was holding his head tightly with his hands. He knelt on the floor. 

Rave... Get out first, William said and pulled me back. William, he was unstable, How can I leave him? I shouted back.

Aaron fell down and sudden silence appeared. I rushed towards Aaron and held his head with help of my hand. 

Aaron, Wake up, Come on, What happened to him? I asked while crying and gazed at William.

William walked towards us. He is breathing, Rave, He will be alright, William replied and knelt to the ground.

Aaron coughed and opened his eyes slowly. 

Oh My God, Aaron, Are you Okay? I asked and wiped my tears. 

Rave, What are you doing here? Stay away from me, He said with a sore voice. Aaron got up and sat on the floor. I sat next to him. William sat opposite us. We all sat quietly for a moment. 

Rave... This is why I stopped talking to you. I'm getting a demon symptom at least once a day, Aaron paused.

Stay away from me, He shrieked.

Yeah, I'm trying too, But how can I leave you when you're struggling like this? I asked and tears fell from my eyes.

You have to Rave, If don't stay away from me, I will be suffering more. Why don't you understand that? You don't know how I'm struggling inside when you're around me. Even now when you entered the room while I turned into a demon, I just struggled a lot...Just not to attack or hurt you. I'm dying inside for not to hurt you. Why don't you understand that? He yelled. 

I don't know what to reply so I sat beside him and sobbed like a child. 

Do you know what? The demon wants to kill the person who I love the most. Yeah, for sure you're the person I love the most. You know that. And That's why I'm asking you to stay away from me, please do that for me, He said and stood up. He doesn't wait for my answer he just said "Will, Take her to her room"

Willam dragged me with him and we both went to my room. I was feeling kind of odd and sad now. 

Come on Rave, He is doing this for your own good, William said with a concerned tone. Yeah, I know, I will stay away from him, I said and gave an approving gaze. You will say this each and every time, But you won't stay away from him, He retorted.

But this time, I'm sure, I will stay away from him, I said and gazed at William. And I know he was struggling because of me, He was dying inside just because he doesn't want to hurt me, I added and turned back.

Rave, William called and held my wrist. I know you both are going through a lot, He paused and I turned back so that I could see his face.

 Yeah, I know staying away from each other hurts a lot. And I can feel you, You both are staying in the same cabin so it will be tougher for you to stay away from him. Hang on for a while, everything is not permanent right? He asked. I nodded. He came closer and hugged me. You both deserve each other. Don't worry, Even if fate decided to break your relationship. I promise you that I will destroy the fate for you guys... I promise, He said and caressed my hair while hugging. 

I smiled and said "I'm lucky to have you" 

Feeling the same, He replied and I broke the hug. Don't worry, Little Muffin. Everything will be alright. And I'm gonna be with you till the end. Okay? He asked and raised his hand to give me a Hi-Fi.

Okay, I replied and smacked his hand. 

Ahhh, You're strong, He replied. Yeah, Girls are always strong, I teased and winked at him. 

He grinned. Oh My God, Willam always changes my sad mood into happier. I'm really lucky to have him in my life, I thought.

Where are the others? I questioned.

They all went to purchase Christmas gifts, He answered.

Oh, I replied within a second.

Okay, My little Muffin, I'm going to Aaron's room to make sure that he was okay. And... I will call you once when dinner was ready, He said. 

Okay, I replied and smiled.

He nodded and left the room. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Let us know if you enjoyed our story. Don't forget to vote.

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