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Since two days left for Christmas, So the Higher Committee from Nightfall college announced that there will not be any classes till Jan 2. That's a piece of awesome news to my sad love life, I thought. Now, I'm lying on my bed like a panda and hoping that some magical fairy will appear in my life and change my difficult love life into the happiest one. Funny isn't it? No one will change my life for me. The only thing is I can do now was " Wait for Aaron, Until he recovers fully". While thinking about that I glanced at the Window. I saw a tall tree which was filled with snow. The snow covers the tree which almost looks like a blanket. Yeah, it seemed like the tree used the snow as a blanket. Weird right?

I heard a sound knock on my door, It's open, Come in, I shouted from inside. William opened the fine wooden door and got in. Rave, You're lying like a panda, He teased me. Ugh, I sighed.

He came closer and pulled me out of my bed. What are doing? I asked and stood steadily. Let's get some fresh air, Muffin, He replied. No, I don't want to. Aaron will be there, As you guys said to stay away so I decided to do that. I'm not going to come out of my room, I concluded and kept both hands in the pocket of my short pajama to keep my hands warm. 

Are you gonna starve yourself? He questioned. Why would I starve myself? I'm having you, You will get me food, I replied and gazed at him.

Don't act like a stupid, Come and eat your food. I'm not gonna feed you and most important thing " You're not a child anymore," He said and grabbed my wrist. He dragged me out of my room. Will, Stop, Leave me, I yelled. Everyone in the hall looked at me with a weird gaze, including Aaron. Suddenly Will stopped walking and turned towards me. Stop acting weird, Let's have breakfast together, He said and gave a quick knock on my head. Ahh...I expressed in pain. 

Aaron dressed up like he was going out. I gazed at him. Oh my God, This was the first time he was seeing me in my pajama. Ugh, my dress is short though. And my hair looked so messy. I almost look like a messy and weird person now. What will Aaron think of me now? This was the constant thought running in my mind. Aaron suddenly stood up and left the cabin. Will dragged me to the dining hall and served the noodles. 

Why did you do that? I asked while eating my noodles. Did what? He asked. Aaron has never seen me in this kind of dress. What will he think about me now? I asked.

That's not my problem. And who told you to wear this pajama in this cold weather? He teased me. Ugh, Forget it, I replied. 

Miss Muffin, You always look cute in any kind of dress, Will said and handed over a glass of juice to me. I grinned at him. So Where did he go? I asked. Aaron? He asked. I nodded.

Today was his first therapy session, So he went to Warem, He replied and sipped his juice. Ohh, I hope that he will recover soon. At least for me, he should recover soon, I said and glanced at William.

He is doing this only for you, Rave... He said. I know, I replied and pulled my hair back which falling on my face. 

Did you guys watch the news? Noah asked hurriedly. Nope, What happened? I asked. Noah dragged us to the hall and played the news channel on the TV. 

Just in one day, the demons attacked 7 parts of the red planet. And the demons left the note which says that " THE DEMON'S MASTER IS REBORN AGAIN AND YOU ALL WILL BE DEAD SOON", The news reporter explained. 

I gazed at William. He was already in shock. I tapped his shoulder and asked that " So we are gonna have our third battle soon right?"

Yeah, Of course. I think the end is nearing, He said.  I glanced at the Tv. Suddenly I remembered that Aaron went alone.

Will, Aaron went alone. He will be alright, right? I asked. He has powers, Rave... You don't need to worry about him. He will be alright. And the committee already appointed the team to protect us, So nothing will happen, He said.

I nodded. After hearing the news of the demon's reborn everything goes wrong in my life, I thought. 

Later, I went to my room and changed my dress. And for the first time, I watched the movie alone. I'm too bored so I went out and opened Willam's room without giving a knock on his door. 

I found Clever and Willam there. They are the most adorable couple I've ever seen. Clever tried to kiss William but before that, I entered the room. Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I said and turned back to leave the room. No, It's Okay, You guys have a good time, Clever said and left the room before I do. 

I turned back and saw William's face. I'm sorry, I should've knocked first, I apologized. 

It's Okay, Will said. How stupid I'm? I ruined your cute little romantic moment though, I said and gazed at him. 

Rave, It's Okay, He replied and made me sit next to him. You both look cute together, I said and gazed at him. Oh really? He asked. 

Yes, Clever is the perfect one for you, I said. Yeah, I know. He replied and for the first time, I saw Willam's blush. Omg, Look who is blushing here, I teased him. Stop it, Muffin, He said. 

And I want to tell you something, Will said and glanced at me. Shoot it out, I said. Aaron finished his first therapy successfully, He said. Oh, That's good news to hear, I replied and smiled. 

Aaron was injected first so that he could feel the hallucination. And His first therapy was about you, He said. About me? I asked. He nodded. The hallucination appeared as Rave Cardin when he turned into a demon, He tried to kill you but He controlled himself from killing you. Finally, he saved you, Will explained briefly. 

And He was stable now, He passed his first therapy session, Willam said with a cheerful tone. I'm happy that he didn't kill me even in his hallucination, I said. Willam gave a smile. 

Do you wanna go to our regular favorite cake shop? He asked. I nodded. He took me to the "Sugar on Top" shop. It was our favorite shop. We went inside and took our place. The waitress came towards us. 

What do you wanna have Sir? She asked. Strawberry Muffin for this little muffin, Will said and pointed at me. I smiled. And For you? The waitress asked. Same, He said. 

And Ice cream cake too, Will added. The waitress took the order and left us. Then we chatted and ate our muffins. It was so good. Later, We went to our cabin. Where everyone settled on the couch and watching the movie including Aaron. I smiled at Aaron but he didn't even glance at me. Clever took William with her. I went inside my room. 

What do you want now? I heard William yell from the back porch. I walked towards my window and I saw William and Clever there. 

I want to you spend time with me, Clever yelled back. He stayed silent for a minute. You're always with Rave. I can't even talk to you properly, Clever said. Yeah, I'm with Rave. She needs me How can I leave her when needs me? Willam asked. 

I don't care about that, Clever said and folded her arms. William sighed in frustration. Do you want me or Rave? Clever asked. Rave is my close friend, You're my girlfriend, I want you both, He replied. 

She stayed silent for a minute and then William hugged her. 

Yeah, Clever was correct. He spends most of his time with me. Or he spends his time with Aaron for me. He also has a love life. And I should think about that before. I'm the reason for their fight. I should apologize to them later. I'm feeling guilty right now. 

When we finished our dinner, I went with Clever. I dragged her with me. She gave a muddled look. I'm sorry, I apologized. Why are you asking sorry? She asked. I should've left Will with you. I ruined your little cute romantic moment. And because of me, William didn't have time to spend with you, I'm the reason for everything. I'm so sorry, Clever, I said and gazed at her. 

Rave, You heard us while fighting right? She asked. I nodded. I'm the one who should ask sorry first. Will said you and Aaron are going through something. So he wants to make sure you both guys are okay. He really wants your mental and physical health to be fine. I swear I didn't know anything about this before until Will told me, She paused. If you wanna talk about something, I'm here, She said and hugged me. Then William entered the room. 

She broke the hug first and gazed at William. Do you guys wanna watch a movie? Willam asked and we both nodded. 

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Don't forget to vote.

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