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Later, We walked together. Aaron, I called. His gaze met mine.

I know you're good at pushing people who love you, But remember that, you can't change their love for you, I said and glanced at him. He walked silently. 

I know something is bothering you, You're hiding something, I think you should open up to me, I said and hold his hand while walking.

No, Nothing is bothering me Okay!!! I don't want to open up about me to anyone, He said with a slightly raised voice and removed his hand from mine. 

Okay, I said and folded my arms. This is what I expected, This isn't new for me though, I'm used to it, He will shout at me one day and he will be so concerned about me one day. He is so different from others. I thought. 

Then we reached our Cabin. Everyone was sitting in the hall. 

Hey, How did you guys did your battle today? I asked.

We lost, William said with a sad tone. I know we will be losing points, But we can't hold on to that battle, So we quitted, He added. 

No, It was my mistake, I was the one who quitted, William saved me every time when Cadmus attacked me, I don't want to hurt him, So I quitted battle 2, Clever explained.

I'm sorry, Clever said.

Hey, It's Okay, We will win battle 3 tomorrow, Aaron cheered them. Then we all went to our room. The time passes by. Suddenly I remembered that Aaron has a gash on his forehead.

I stood up and searched for my medical kit. When I got it. I went near Aaron's room door and knocked on his door. He opened the door. He glanced at me and saw my medical kit which I was holding in my hand.

I want to give medicine to your wound, I said and went inside his room. 

You don't have to, He started to say something, before that I closed his mouth with my hand. He blinked. Shhh, don't say anything, I said. He nodded. I opened my medical kit and started to search for a wound spray. 

I took a clean cloth and dipped it into the pure water. I slowly touched his wound on the forehead with the wet cloth. He sat silently. I took a wound spray from the box. I sprayed on his wound. 

Ahhh, He expressed in pain. It's almost done, I said, and stick the band-aid on his wound. 

It's done now, I said and smiled at him. Why do you always care for me? He asked.

Because You don't take care of yourself, I replied. He gave a smile. It's nice to have someone who really cares about me, He said. I smiled and got up from my place. Rave, He called.

I want to tell you something, But not now, I will tell you tomorrow after the battle, He said and stood up. Okay, I said and smiled at him.

And...He paused for a moment.

I would like to take you to the place, If you're free tomorrow I will take you there, He said. 

Yeah, Sure, You can take me there, But where? I asked. 

Umm, You will see, He said and smiled at me. 

I nodded and smiled at him. Okay, Have a good sleep, Good night, I said.

Good Night, Rave, He replied. I left the room and went to my room. I climbed my bed and rested my head on my pillow. What does he wanna talk about? Does he gonna tell me again not to love him? If he did, I will.....Ugh What I can do? I will be quiet. Oh God, He was mad at me in the afternoon, But now, He was so calm. What does he want? Wait he said he will take me somewhere tomorrow right? But where? Aaron you're testing my patience a lot, I thought. While thinking about that I fell asleep. 

The next morning, We all got ready for Battle 3. We are on the battlefield entrance called Merck. The group-16 members too reached the battleground. Paxton and his teammates walked towards us. When they reached us, Paxton gave a malicious smile. I just gave a wild look. 

All the best, You little chicks, Paxton scoffed. Ugh, I hate Paxton, I hate his cocksure, I thought. 

Willam smirked and said All the best to you too, Let's see who will the win battle. Paxton gave a wild smile and went inside with his teammates. 

The battle is about to start, I ask group 5 and group 16 to gather on the ground immediately, The voice from intercome reached our ears. We ran and reached the ground. 

Mr. Scott from the committee entered the battleground and stood in front of us. 

Everybody, Stand in your position, He commanded us. We all stood in our position. Are you guys ready for battle 3? He shouted. Yes, we shouted back. 

And the battle 3 begins, He said and left the ground.

Nicholas Raiden ran towards me. He flew up and started to throw a flame ball at me. I protected myself with my protective shield. Then I flew up and started to attack him. 

I created a flame and this flame is different from others. This will constantly attack him. So I created it and attacked him with that flame. He protected himself from that flame. Suddenly a flame ball from the other side hit me. I fell down. Aaahhh, It hurts, Thank God, These flame balls are just hurt us but not burning us, I thought. 

So, You think you can defeat us, Billie Jazz scoffed and her voice took me back to the battlefield. And I realized that she was the one who threw a flame ball from the other side. I stood up. On the other side, Aaron was fighting with Paxton. They both fighting so arrogantly. 

Suddenly Nicolas came towards us. I will handle her, He said and pulled out his sword. Billie left us alone. So, Let's have some different battle, He said. I raised my eyebrows. 

Yeah, let us not use our powers, Let us fight with the help of our swords, He said. Okay, I replied and pulled out my sword. 

I readjust my grip on my longsword. I pulled my left leg backward to make my position strong. I waited for Nicolas to make the first move. As I expected he quickly slides his sword forward. I blocked his sword with the help of my sword and pushed it back. He released his sword from mine and made another move. He leaped his sword against mine. He pushed me back. 

It seems like my team gonna win, He said and smiled maliciously. He was breathing heavily. My eyes searched for Aaron. He was struggling. His flame ball became small when threw at Paxton. Oh God, I should help him, I thought.

 And my eyes wander over William and Clever, They are doing good. Noah and April were struggling too. Even when Nicholas pushing me back my eyes was on Aaron. Suddenly a thought strikes my mind. I gave a force against his sword. I pushed him back. And I released my sword from his. I spun my sword. I quickly slide my sword and cut his arm. He was bleeding now. I feel bad for him. He strikes my sword and I block him back. We both were breathing heavily. 

And I pushed him down with my sword. He seemed so tired and his arm was bleeding heavily. I raised my sword to stab him. But I couldn't. He raised his hand and quit the battle. He said he can't hold on, He was dehydrated and bleeding. William and Clever defeated their opponent so they helped Noah and April. I saw Aaron was struggling alone I flew up with my power. I went near him. I helped him to attack Paxton. 

Aaron, Are you okay? You really seemed so tired, I know you can't use your power when you're tired, I said and glanced at him. 

Yeah, I'm tired, I'm losing my power, He said. 

I threw a flame ball with force at Paxton. It hit him and pushed him down. When he tried to get up. He can't, so he quit. I think Paxton was tired too, that's why he can't fight against me. My gaze went over Noah and April. They defeated their opponents. Hell, Yeah we won battle 3.

Mr.Scott came and appreciated us.

Let us know if you enjoyed this chapter. I'm not good at sword fighting scene writing, I tried my best though, Hope you guys liked it. Don't forget to vote. Love you guys, See you in the next chapter.

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