Y3 Chapter 1

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3rd Pov

It was a day before Y/n and her cousin Stella were out in the yard playing Quidditch when Y/n's dad Remus Lupin called for them to eat dinner. 

"Y/n, Stella get in it's getting too late!" he said before turning back and going inside the house. 

"Race you," Y/n said 

"Oh you're on," Stella said hoping off her broom and the two girls ran into the cottage.

"Ha, I win!" Y/n exclaimed 

"Yeah yeah whatever you little git," Stella said rolling her eyes. The girls walked over to the dining table where Remus was reading a book.

"What's for dinner?" Stella asked. At that moment Stella's mom Elizabeth came rushing into the house, she was an Auror at the Ministry of Magic so they didn't get to see her a lot

"Remus did you hear Sirius Black escaped?" she asked worriedly.

"Typical Pad," Remus said not even looking up from his book and the others stared at him in shock. 

"You aren't shocked that he escaped?" Y/n asked

"Well, I didn't hope he would escape but it's Sirius Orion Black we are talking about, doing those things is his............personality," Remus said putting his book down.

"Wait- so Sirius Black as in my Uncle Sirius Black escaped?" Stella asked

"It is your uncle who escaped honey," Elizabeth said.

"How many Sirius Blacks do we know?" Y/n asked

"Sorry my brain just takes time to process big things like this," Stella said and Y/n rolled her eyes.

"But you both shouldn't worry you will be at Hogwarts, the safest place there is," Remus said 

"That psychotic manic escaped Azkaban and it's the most guarded place ever," Y/n said 

"Exactly who says he wouldn't break into Hogwarts," Stella added.

"As long as you both are with Dumbledore you are safe," Elizabeth said and Remus nodded. 

"Do you think he will come after Y/n or her boy-I mean Harry?" Stella asked smirking.  She knew that Y/n had a crush on Harry and her being an amazing and understanding cousin she decided to tease Y/n about it every time she got.

"I overheard some people talking at the Ministry," Elizabeth said "And it seems like Sirius is after Harry but we don't know if he is after Y/n or not," 

"Why would he be after me?" Y/n asked.  

"Because of your powers Y/n, no one in the wizarding world has them, and Sirius would want to get your powers because maybe help him with bringing Voldemort to his full strength," Elizabeth said but Remus didn't look convinced that Sirius would do something like that, he was his husband after all. 

"All I want is one normal year," Y/n mumbled under her breath 

"What?" Remus asked 

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