Y7 Chapter 9

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3rd Pov

Y/n looked into Voldemort's mind and saw all of the horcruxes that had been ever made, she was also able to sense a feeling of weakness. He wasn't as strong as before, he was dying as more horcruxes were being destroyed. She went past that thought and back to looking for horcruxes, three of them had been destroyed, only four remained. Hufflepuff's Cup, which was with Harry, Ron and Hermione, Nagini, that is with Voldemort, Ravenclaw's diadem but it's location was crypted and Y/n couldn't figure it out at first glance, at least she knew what it was and that was a good start. She was about to open her eyes when an image of Harry flashed across her eyes. Y/n opened her eyes and fell down onto the bed, in shock with what she had just seen. 

Stella and Peter kneeled next to her. "What's wrong? What did you see?" Stella asked. 

"H-harry he-" Y/n stopped herself midway. She wasn't sure if she should tell this to them, it was a big thing and if they knew they wouldn't be able to do what they were supposed to do right now, find Ravenclaw's diadem. 

"He is?" Peter prompted. 

"He is looking for the horcruxes as well," Y/n lied. 

"Yeah, we know but you looked like you had seen a ghost or something," Stella pointed out. 

"Did I? Must have just been that I used up too much of my energy, but anyways, what we have to find is Ravenclaw's Diadem," 

"Our best place to start looking for it would be the Ravenclaw tower," Y/n said. "I could teleport us there," 

"You need solve a riddle to get in, remember?" Stella said. 

"Yes and I will teleport us right outside of the common room door," 

Just like they had entered the library they were out and in front of the Ravenclaw common room door, where they stood face to face with an eagle gargoyle. 

"To enter the tower you must correctly answer this riddle," The gargoyle announced. "Since there are three of you, you will be given three chances, one for each," 

"Oh fuck," 

"How fun," Y/n and Stella said at the same time and shot each other a glare. 

"I am guessing Stella is the one who is good at riddles here?" Peter said. 

"Yep," Stella said proudly. 

Since their childhood, Stella had been a big fan of riddles and could spend hours on end solving riddles. One time, when Stella was about eight years old, she spent eleven hours straight solving a new riddles book she got. When Elizabeth came to wake her up, she saw Stella was already awake, hunched over a book with a bloodshot eyes. Y/n on the other hand hated riddles, she just never found them interesting and she had tried many times to get interested in it but everytime she would walk away from it angry. 

"Ok, Mr. Gargoyle, shoot," Stella said, her tone was full of determination. 

" You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don't see a single person on the boat. Why?" The Gargoyle said. 

"They jumped off," Y/n said confidently to the gargoyle. 

"No," The gargoyle said. "You have two more chances," 

"This is why I hate riddles, so fucking stupid," Y/n rolled her eyes. 

Stella paced back and forth mumbling things to herself, until she finally stopped and said. "They were all couples," 

The gargoyle didn't say anything but opened the door to the common room. Stella cheered with joy and entered the room while Y/n stood outside in shock, trying to understand the riddle. 

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