Y4 Chapter 8

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3rd Pov

The next few days Y/n spent her time with Peter and Stella trying to learn the Disillusionment charm. On the last day, Y/n managed to get herself to disappear completely. 

"Merlin, you did!" Stella exclaimed. "You finally did!" 

"I did!" Y/n exclaimed happily. She undid the charm so she was now seen and was engulfed in a hug by Stella. 

"I am so proud of you," Stella said smiling like an idiot. 

"You sound like Lizzie," Y/n said. 

"I don't care, You did it!" Stella exclaimed again and Y/n nodded smiling. 

"Um...... great job," Peter said giving Y/n an awkward thumbs up away standing a couple of feet away from them. 

"Oh come here Peter," Y/n said and Peter happily walked towards them and they had a group hug. 

"You aren't going to die!" Peter said smiling. 

"I won't die," Y/n repeated laughing. 

"Thank you guys," Y/n said. 

"For what?" Stella asked. 

"For helping me and believing me," Y/n said. 

"Of course we believe, you would never do this," Stella said. 

"Exactly," Peter added. 

"Now before we all get all sappy, let's go to the Great Hall and have dinner," Stella said and the two Gryffindors laughed. 


The next morning Y/n woke up early which was very hard for her and went down where all the champions were supposed to go. The task was held in an area in the forbidden forest and there was a small tent for champions before its turn. 

When Y/n go there she saw that Cedric, Krum, and Fleur were already there but there was no sight of Harry. 

"Y/n!" Fleur said when she saw her entering the tent. Y/n hugged her. 

"Hey Fleur," she said pulling away. "How are you feeling?" 

"I am rethinking all of my life decisions," Fleur said and Y/n let out a little laugh. "Where is the boy who is always following you?" she asked. 

"You mean Harry?" 

"Yes, isn't he a champion too where is he?" 

"He likes to make a big entrance, he will be here in a few minutes," Y/n said. 

And she was right Harry came into the tent 2 minutes after she said that. 

"What took you so long?" Y/n asked as soon as he walked in. 

"I slept in," Harry said. 

"Psst, Harry, Y/n," They heard a voice from outside the tent. 

"Hermione is that you?" Y/n asked. 

"Yes, how are you both feeling?" Hermione asked. 

"Like throwing up," Harry said. 

"It's fine don't worry too much all you have to do is," Hermione started.

"Battle a dragon," Y/n finished her sentence. 

Hermione came inside of the tent and gave Y/n a hug. 

"Oh I am so worried about you," she said. 

"It's ok, I'll be fine," Y/n said. Hermione let go of her and then hugged Harry. 

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