Y6 Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

The Hogwarts Express finally came to the stop at Platform 9 3/4 at around 8 pm. The whole platform was decorated with Christmas decorations, and people selling hot chocolate. 

"Hermione are you coming to the Burrow this Christmas?" Stella asked as they waited for the first years in front of them to get down the train. 

"Nope, I am spending Christmas with my family this year," Hermione said. "It'll be nice a peaceful Christmas with just the three of us," 

"That does sound nice," Y/n said. 

"I supposed you both are going to the Burrow?" Hermione said.

"Yeah," Y/n said. "Dads thought it was the best idea to spend time with other people than just us, we'd just end up overthinking and worrying about the war," 

They got down and Y/n noticed, The Weasleys, and Remus and Sirius waiting for them. It was all so similar like every other year but yet so different. You would think one person gone wouldn't make a difference but it makes a world's difference. 

"I see my parents, I should be going, I'll you both after break," Hermione said. 

"Bye, Mione," Y/n said hugging her. 

"Stay safe," Stella said also hugging her. Hermione walked towards her parents and disappeared into the see of people. 

"Where are the three idiots?" Y/n asked looking around for Harry, Peter, and Ron. 

"They'll be somewhere, they can survive by themselves," Stella said, Y/n looked at her. "Oh please they sixteen they can handle themselves!" 

"Fine then, if you say so," Y/n said and the two girls walked away from the train and towards where their family was. 

"Where are the others?" Sirius asked as soon as Y/n and Stella reached them. 

"Wow, not even a hello to your daughter, but wondering where you godson is," Y/n said putting a hand on her chest. "I am offended," 

"I just don't want them to do something stupid and get hurt," Sirius said. "But I am very happy you see you again, both you," he said hugging the girls. 

"Y/n and Stella, it's so nice to finally have you both here, it's exhausting with just Sirius," Remus joked. 

"I can understand," Stella laughed. 

"You are just like your mother," Sirius said rolling his eyes. 

"Thank you," Stella said as joke but they all knew it meant a lot to her to be called just he mother. 

"Oh here are our favorite Hogwarts students," A voice said. Both the girls knew exactly who it was. They turned around to see Fred and George standing in front of them grinning like always. 

"Fred! George!" They exclaimed and hugged the twins. 

"Oh it's so good to see you," Y/n said. 

"Hogwarts is so boring without you!" Stella compalined. 

"Yeah, it's like everyone has just forgotten how to have fun!" Y/n said. 

"The only fun they have is by giving their crushes love potions," Stella said rolling her eyes. "It's stupid," 

"Hey! Those stupid people are the reason for our profit," Fred said. 

"Though we really do need to teach these new generation of children how to have fun," George. 

"Well you could give us some prank ideas and some items from your shop," Y/n suggested. 

"We have so many new products!" Fred said. 

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