Y6 Chapter 5

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3rd Pov

Y/n was sitting near a tree at the edge of the black lake, when she heard someone's footsteps coming towards her. She looked in the direction where the sound came from and saw Harry carrying two bags, walking towards her. 

"Harry," Y/n said getting up. "What is all this?" 

"Your candy from Honeydukes," Harry said, setting down the bags. 

"Harry I asked for like one or two candies not two bags," Y/n said. 

"Well I didn't know what to get so I got a bit of everything, besides it's not like they go bad so you can eat it for a long time," Harry said sitting down. 

"Merlin, you are an idiot," Y/n said sitting down next to him. 

"And yet you are still with me," Harry said with a smirk. "Also how are you not cold?" he asked noticing that Y/n wasn't wearing a jacket. 

"I stopped feeling anything like 30 minutes ago," Y/n answered with a straight face. 

"Y/n! That is not good for you," Harry scolded. "Here have my jacket," he started to unzip his jacket by Y/n stopped him. 

"I used a spell to keep me warm I am fine, now tell me about what you did at Hogsmeade," Y/n said getting out one of the chocolates from the bag. 

"Well, we went to the Three Broomsticks and saw Ginny and Dean snogging, Ron was disgusted by that but then Hermione said that Ginny wouldn't act like that if she saw them snogging and then-" Harry was cut off by Y/n. 

"Wait Ginny was on a date with Dean?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows. "That's weird, I always thought Ginny had feelings for someone else," 

"Oh? May I know this someone?" Harry asked. 

"It's not someone you would think you but once you do, it makes perfect sense," Y/n said. "Moving on, Hermione talked about snogging Ron?!" 

"Yea, it was shocking for everyone," Harry said. 

"Was Ron over the moon after hearing that?" Y/n asked with a small chuckled. 

"Probably on the inside but on the outside he made it seem that he has never had any feelings for her," 

"Of course," Y/n said rolling her eyes. "Anyways, continue what happened next?" 

"So then I met Professor Slughorn and he invited me, Hermione, and Stella to some supper party," Harry said. 

"That's nice," Y/n said handing Harry a candy. 

"Oh, speaking of Stella how is she?" Harry asked. 

"I gave her some chicken soup and she is resting now, she should feel better by tomorrow," Y/n said. 

"That's good," Harry said. " Now back to the story, after we left the Three Broomsticks, we saw Katie getting possessed," 

"What?" Y/n asked in shock. "Katie Bell?" Harry nodded. 

"She touched a cursed necklace that she found in loo of the Three Broomsticks," Harry explained.  

"Oh Merlin, is she in the hospital wing?" Y/n asked. 

"I think she has gone to St. Mungos," Harry said. 

"How do you think she came to find the necklace?" Y/n asked. 

"I am thinking it's Malfoy," Harry said. 

"Harry, you still can't think that Draco is a death eater," Y/n said with a sigh.

"It just seems so obvious, everything he has been doing and he hasn't been talking much since this year started which is really weird for him to do," Harry said. 

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