Y7 Chapter 3

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3rd Pov

"As by the rules of the Ministry, every child that has been attending Hogwarts or will start to attend Hogwarts this year is obligated to attend despite any circumstances, if the Ministry finds out there is a child that isn't attending there will be harsh consequences," The voice over the radio said. 

It was a week before Hogwarts would have started and the Ministry had sent out messages everywhere, on the radio, the daily prophet and had posters around the town talking about the changes they had made. 

"Well I guess there is no other option other than to send you both to Hogwarts," Sirius said in a sorrowful tone clicking off the radio. 

"Well you know it can't be that bad, Minnie will still be headmistress," Y/n said trying to make the situation less scary. 

"No, look at this," Stella said walking into the living room with the Daily Prophet in her hand. 

"Severus Snape is appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts by the Ministry," Y/n read. "Wonderful," 

"Sirius are you sure there is no way to send them away, didn't you have some cousins in France?" Remus asked. 

"I haven't talked to them ages, I am pretty sure they think I am dead," Sirius scoffed. "What about your Uncle and Aunt in Wales?" 

"Oh I am not really on good terms them after they found out I was with a Black," Remus said avoiding Sirius' gaze. 

"I am so sorry, you both have to suffer because of my evil family," Sirius said turning to the girls. They gave him an awkward smile. 

"Right now people still have to suffer regardless of their family," Y/n said. "It's fine Hogwarts can never be that bad," she was trying to ease her fathers but she herself didn't believe whatever she said. 


The scarlet red train whistled signaling to its passengers that they need to get on soon or they would be left behind. Even with the warning not many people had gotten on, parents hugging their children for what could very possibly be for the last time. 

There were tears and goodbyes but these were different from the ones Y/n knew and was familiar with, these weren't of happiness and experiencing a new chapter in life but these were tears of 'come back home unharmed' and 'be there for me when I come back'. There was not one person who was happy, not even the children of the people who were close to Voldemort were happy to send their kids to Hogwarts, anxiety had plagued them as well. 

"Well this is it, your last year at Hogwarts," Remus said with teary eyes. 

"Oh dad, don't cry," Y/n choked out. "I promise you we will be fine," 

"Yes, we are strong girls," Stella added. "We have been dealing with this for ages," 

The Hogwarts Express whistled again, this time people started to get on. 

"Promise you both are going to stay safe and not back talk to anyone, no matter what," Sirius said sternly. 

"Look who's telling us about not talking about," Y/n joked but Sirius didn't find it to fine. "I promise dad, we won't get in trouble," 

"Alright then, get going," Sirius said with a heavy sigh. The girls waved goodbye and pushing through the crowds got into the train. 

Remus and Sirius waited until the train was fully out of sight. "You think she will come this year, like she said?" Sirius asked Remus. 

"I am pretty sure," Remus said. "She does send a letter every year checking up on her," 

"She never explained why she left Y/n at her doorstep did she?" 

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